If you were wondering whether leopards can be kept as pets then you’ve come to the right article.
As in this article, I’ll be answering this question for you.
Also, after you’ve read the answer to the main question then you should continue reading as I’ll also be answering a few more closely related questions that might be of interest to you as well.
I hope you learn a lot from the shared information.
Can leopards be kept as pets?
Leopards are large wild cats that are members of the genus Panthera.
They are similar in appearance to jaguars as they both have distinctive rosette markings on their fur.
They tend to be smaller than jaguars and when compared to other large-body wild cats, they have a longer body, larger head, and shorter legs.
Leopards can be kept as pets.
However, safely doing so for both the keeper’s sake and the leopard’s sake requires expensive equipment, access to sufficient food, and highly specialized knowledge.
Leopards are territorial predators and have been known to attack people when they feel threatened, so, as with other wild cats, there are risks involved in keeping one as a pet.
In some states, it is illegal to keep a leopard as a pet.
The video below will show that it is possible to keep a leopard as a pet.
Can you have a black leopard as a pet?
Black leopards (as well as black jaguars) are sometimes referred to as black panthers since they are both members of the genus Panthera.
Their fur is black owing to an excessive amount of black pigment, which is caused by a recessive gene.
In the 18th Century, a black leopard was acquired from Bengal and kept in the Tower of London.
Since that time, many have been raised in captivity.
As with other wild cats, black leopards can be kept as pets, but doing so requires expensive equipment, a regular food supply, and extensive, specialized knowledge.
Moreover, in most states, it is either illegal to keep a black leopard as a pet or doing so is highly regulated and requires a license.
In recent years, the number of states prohibiting or regulating black leopard pets has increased, leaving only a few states in which it is legal to own one without a permit.
Can you own a leopard in Florida?
Florida law classifies leopards as Class I Wildlife, which indicates that they are deemed to pose significant dangers to humans.
Also, legally owning a leopard requires a special permit.
They can only be kept as personal pets if they came into one’s possession before August 27, 2009.
Any leopards acquired after that date cannot legally be owned as pets.
The relevant codes governing the ownership of exotic animals are found in Florida Statutes Title XXVIII (379.3762 and 379.3751).

Can you own a leopard in Texas?
It is legal to own a pet leopard in Texas.
However, state law requires that the owner of any Class I dangerous wild animal, including leopards, apply for and be granted a Certificate of Registration.
The relevant state codes governing exotic animal ownership are the Health and Safety Code (822.101-116), the Local Government Code (240.001-.002a), and the Parks and Wildlife Code (65.005).
In what states can you own a leopard?
Currently, there are only a few states in which the ownership of a pet leopard is legal and does not require a license or permit.
Neither Oklahoma nor Nevada require permits or licenses, and North Carolina does not regulate or prohibit the ownership of leopards or other dangerous animals at the state level.
However, municipalities and counties in North Carolina are allowed to issue regulations.
In Delaware, wild animals such as leopards can be permitted, assuming certain conditions are met.
In recent years, several states that previously did not regulate or prohibit people from keeping big cats changed their laws.
In some cases, these states “grandfathered” in people who owned pet leopards before the law was changed, meaning that they were allowed to retain possession of their pets.
For example, in Florida, they can only be kept as personal pets if they came into one’s possession before August 27, 2009, and in Alabama, a leopard must have been purchased, gifted, or otherwise legally possessed before October 15, 2020.
Also, a permit for keeping it must have been received before January 13, 2021.
Are leopards good pets?
Keeping a leopard as a pet is expensive and difficult, so very few people do so.
In addition to requiring special equipment and cages, leopards require a large amount of food, which can be very expensive.
Anyone who keeps a leopard or other wild cat must be taught to carefully develop the skills and knowledge that are required to safely own and care for such animals.
This is very time consuming, requiring a great deal of commitment.
Unfortunately, some people who have kept leopards as pets have neglected, abused, or been unable to care for them.
Nevertheless, those who have learned to safely and attentively care for their large cat have found the experience rewarding.
Is it legal to own a pet leopard?
Whether it is legal to own a pet leopard depends on the state in which you live.
Nineteen states explicitly prohibit personal ownership and the vast majority of states require special licensing.
Following increased media attention surrounding the conditions in which leopards and other wild cats have been kept, several states, such as Florida and Alabama, recently passed laws that prohibit any future acquisitions of leopards as pets.

Can leopards be tamed?
Leopards can be trained or tamed, but doing so requires a great deal of specialized knowledge and a significant commitment on the part of the tamer.
Also, even when they have been trained, they retain their instincts and, therefore, can constitute a potential danger to humans and other animals.
So, it can be said that you can never truly expect a leopard to not lash out even when they’ve been properly tamed.
Are leopards friendly to humans?
Wild leopards are solitary animals and they generally attempt to avoid interaction with humans.
However, they have been known to attack people when they view them as a threat.
Leopards that have been raised in captivity can be friendly to their keepers, however, if they are abused or neglected, they become unpredictable and highly dangerous.
Even when tamed, leopards can hurt or even kill their handlers.
Check out the video below if you want to see a man who lives with leopards.
How dangerous are leopards?
Wild leopards do not typically attack humans.
Instead, they are usually cautious and generally avoid interactions by steering clear of roads and residential areas.
Nevertheless, when leopards feel threatened, they will aggressively defend themselves and they do, on occasion, attack and kill humans.
In this article, you’ve learned that leopards can indeed be kept as pets.
However, safely doing so requires you to be able to buy various expensive equipment, to have access to a sufficient amount of food for the leopard, and you also will need specialized knowledge in how to handle the leopard correctly and how you can correctly care for the animal.
Besides, it also depends on which state you live in and whether it would be possible for you to own a pet leopard.
It is, for example, prohibited to keep leopards in nineteen different states across America, and many states that do accept keeping leopards as pets require you to have special licensing.
Also, you’ve learned that there is a risk involved in keeping a leopard as a pet as they’re carnivores that will act on their instincts whenever they get the sense that there’s a threat.