Did you wonder just like I did how much heat a spider can handle? Then you’ve come to the right place! I’ve researched this exact question in-depth for you and in this article, you’ll find that exact in-depth answer plus more information about questions that are related to the main question.
How much heat can a spider handle? In general, spiders can handle temperatures that are between 43.3 to 53 Celsius and every species will have its heat tolerance, so, in general, they can regulate heat very decently. Make sure though that if you want to get rid of a spider that you don’t burn it to death, that’s just cruel.
Are there any spider species that have a remarkable heat tolerance?
Researching has been done by a group of Berkeley researchers on Desert Jumping spiders (you can check the full article here if you’re interested). These Desert Jumping spiders have a heat tolerance that’s close to 53 Celsius and some individual Desert Jumping Spiders can even surpass it.
Other spider species that are out there won’t be able to survive these kinds of temperatures so the Desert Jumping Spider is a pretty special spider species.
Can a spider die from the heat of the sun?
They can die from the heat of the sun as the heat of the sun can fall within the range of the spider’s heat tolerance which is 43.3 to 53 Celsius and it can also surpass it as the hottest temperature that has ever been measured on our earth is 56.7 Celsius.
The heat of the sun will mostly result in the spider dying of dehydration and depending on how high the temperature is will the spider dehydrate faster.
Do spiders like heat?
Spiders don’t necessarily like or despise heat as long as the temperature remains beneath the maximum of what the spider will survive. Just like any other animal on this earth, spiders will do anything to survive and will search for the coldest spots if temperatures get high.
Another aspect that you should take into account is that there will be more prey for spiders in hotter environments rather than in colder environments which will make hunting for the spider quite a lot easier.
Are spiders attracted to body heat?
In general, if they are not having it too cold they wouldn’t be attracted to body heat but you can imagine that if the spider will get too cold with its life depending on it then it will search for warmer spots and that might be your body heat.
You should keep in mind though that wild spiders are and will stay scared of humans so them crawling towards you for your body heat will not happen often.
What is the heat tolerance of the Brown Recluse spider?
Testing has been done with adult Brown Recluse spiders where they exposed the spiders to a temperature of 48 Celsius for about 130 minutes which achieved a mortality score of 100%. But this result will be different from other Brown Recluse spiders as every spider will have a different condition.
Now, they can handle high temperatures but this doesn’t mean that a high temperature will be good for their health as they dehydrate faster just like any other spider species being exposed to high temperatures.
Where do spiders go when it gets too hot?
They will seek out places where the sun won’t be able to come and they will also search for moisty spots which helps keep their body temperature at bay. Also, they love to climb into houses of humans as these houses are built to withstand hot conditions most of the time.
Spiders love to climb into houses, check out the video below where you’ll see a large spider inside a house.
Heat is one possibility that can be lethal to spiders if the temperature gets too high but it isn’t the only possibility that can kill spiders. Check out the article “In What Ways Can Spiders Die? (All The Possibilities Covered)“, if you want to know what the other lethal possibilities are for spiders.
Do spiders like it hot or cold?
It would take a lot of time if you want to find out for every spider species if it either prefers hot or cold environments. In general, though, spiders are cold-blooded arachnids that are not attracted to heat unless their body asks for it and they’ll also only search for cold spots if in need.
They will also become dormant in cold environments. Besides, spiders are very adaptable and will therefore easily get along in whatever environment they’re put in (extreme environments excluded, of course).
What temperature do House spiders like?
House spiders love warm temperatures and that’s also where they’re after when the temperature drops outside and the houses of human beings are warm, cozy, and full of insects to go after. Temperatures must not be too cold or too warm though otherwise surviving will become harder.
You can also be sure that they’ll search for better houses to stay in if you happen to change the temperature drastically within your household.
Can Tarantulas die from heat?
They can die from heat if the temperature is too hot and moves beyond 43 Celsius which is close to their maximum body temperature. Tarantulas will mostly die because of dehydration when temperatures get too high and dehydration will happen more quickly once temperatures become higher and higher.
You won’t see them dying from heat often though as most tarantulas will seek colder spots which will likely be out of sight.

Will spiders die if boiling water gets thrown over them?
Every spider species will die if boiling water gets dropped on it. Also, any animal that I can think of will die if a certain amount of boiling water will get thrown over it as every different animal species will be able to survive certain amounts of boiling water.
Now, if you want to get rid of a spider in your house then make sure you just catch it and put it outside as killing it with, for example, boiling water will be cruel.
Can spiders live in hot cars?
Spiders can survive in hot cars but the temperature must not get too high otherwise the spider will have a hard time surviving. Besides this fact, the spider will not live long either if there aren’t any prey located in the car which is where spiders also mainly hydrate themselves with.
If there happen to be a few insects in the car though then it will stand a better chance to survive.
Will spider populations grow faster when it’s hot outside?
They can grow faster when it’s hot outside, especially when the heat is combined with also an increased amount of humidity. You should keep in mind though that populations can also become less if the temperature truly skyrockets to temperatures that many spider species won’t be able to survive.
In general, it will be best for spiders to grow up in temperatures that are either not too hot or not too cold.
What temperatures do spiders hate?
The temperature should not go beneath -5 Celsius and also not beyond 53 Celsius as these temperatures will mean certain death to all spider species, in the end. So, they’ll hate pretty much all temperatures that will be lethal to them.
Also, spiders can’t have a hateful emotion like we can because they don’t have the emotional capacity to have emotions but if they could they would probably hate it to potentially die.
Related questions
Can spiders die from the cold?
Spiders can die from the cold if the temperature happens to drop under -5 Celcius. Also, there will be fewer and fewer insects that will survive once the temperature drops beneath -5 Celsius and the spiders will therefore have a tougher time finding prey.
What temperature should a Tarantula be kept at?
Tarantulas like temperatures to be between 24 to 27 Celsius and they also like it when their terrarium is moisturized daily as spiders mainly hydrate through moist environments or by eating prey. 50% To 80% of humidity will be ideal for the spider.
How do I know if my Tarantula has it cold?
The Tarantula will lose weight and its condition if it’s too cold as it will stop feeding or you’ll see it moving towards the warmest spot in the tank. It then will also stay in this spot as it will be the most comfortable spot in the tank for the spider.
Now you know that spiders can handle hot temperatures that fall between 43.3 to 53 Celsius and also that the maximum temperatures that spiders will be able to handle will differ depending on the spider species.