If you were wondering whether dragons could be considered animals if they existed then you’ve come to the right article as I’ll be sharing my thoughts and findings on this question, in this article.
Also, after you’ve read my thoughts and findings on the main question then I’ll cover a few more closely related questions that might be of interest to you as well.
I hope you’ll enjoy the information that is shared in this article!
Is a dragon considered an animal?
While dragons are mythological creatures that are fictional and did not exist, dragons could be classified as reptilian in nature.
From their appearance to their cold and aloof nature, dragons are often seen as cruel and capricious creatures.
Despite this fact, dragons are also attributed to human beings, as well as many other animals thanks to their level of intelligence.
Therefore, such a reptile-looking creature would be classified as an animal.
Is a mythological dragon considered an animal?
Due to their appearance within various myths, mythological dragons could fit comfortably into the classification that includes several other reptiles which means that they would be considered animals too.
Their appearance alone gives the idea that they could be classified as reptiles.
From their scaled forms to the snake-like representation that many such creatures are given, dragons are highly diversified between one legend and another.
There are other animals that dragons resemble thanks to their many attributes, but a serpentine look stands out as the most pervasive when taking note of dragons in mass media.
Why is a dragon considered an animal?
As living creatures that were rumored to consume other living organisms, it is assumed that dragons possess the same basic structure as many creatures, with highly-developed sensory organs that aid said creatures in day-to-day activities.
A highly evolved nervous system would assist in the survival of such creatures by allowing them to adapt to various stimuli in their given environment.
The overall diversity of many different dragons has facilitated the need to create various adaptations that help these creatures acclimate to their surroundings.
Check out the video below if you want to see the 10 most powerful dragons from mythology.
Is a dragon an extinct animal?
Taking into account the fact that dragons are fictional creatures whose existence was derived from the various stories shared within many cultures, extinction is not an applicable term when describing these fictional reptiles.
Conspiracy theories aside, the closest animals to dragons that have existed in nature are the dinosaurs.
Fantasy and imagination allow for the idea that dragons existed at one point or another in time, but the truth is that there is no empirical evidence that they ever existed.

Is a dragon a real animal?
The fictional nature of dragons precludes the idea that the species ever existed at any point in history.
In ancient times, many creatures that were largely unknown to humanity created a great deal of fear and uncertainty that gave rise to the idea of dragons and other mythical creatures that would in turn become the legends and myths that are seen today.
But as far as we know, dragons have never been real animals.
Are dragons real in 2020?
As of the year 2020, there has been no empirical evidence obtained to prove that dragons ever existed in the history of this world, past or present.
Science has not disproved the existence of dragons, but it has not proved that they did not walk the earth at one time either.
There are widely varying beliefs that many legends concerning dragons might have been created by those that encountered ancient/prehistoric castoffs whose appearance was amplified by superstition, fear, and long-held belief that conspired to create the ideas that exist concerning these majestic beasts.
Is a dragon an imaginary animal?
The proposed existence of dragons can be attributed to the wide use of their name and varied appearances within the gathered folklore of many countries from around the world.
Many cultures have utilized these legendary beasts for one purpose or another.
In pop culture, dragons have been widely used in a variety of ways that have seen their popularity grow exponentially depending on the story.
From sea serpents to fire-breathing lizards that fly through the air, dragons have taken on many forms according to human imagination.
So, they are seen as imaginary animals.
Is a dragon a spirit animal?
As a spirit animal, a dragon has been and still is one of the most powerful totems to have ever been conceptualized.
As formidable symbols that are used in several cultures, dragons are magical creatures that stand for strength, wisdom, and great beauty.
Dragons are considered to be powerful, mythical creatures that people utilize and channel in various ways when it comes to one’s personality and life goals, as their majestic appearance and powerful stature, are often used as positive influences that people use to bolster their sense of self-worth.
Dragons are, therefore, seen as spirit animals.
What animal is closest to a dragon?
In nature, the creatures that resemble dragons the most when it comes to their characteristics and looks are frilled lizards, Komodo dragons, and various other animals that possess similar traits to these mythological beasts.
This could easily explain why dragons have been so prevalent in many different cultures.
Their cat-like qualities have been duly noted in several different representations as well, and have become a part of the legend that has helped to continually shape dragons and how they’re perceived in various media.
The combination of these physical traits is seen to occur often in myths and legends, as creatures such as griffons, hippogriffs, and various other mythical beasts have been represented in various media, much as dragons have.
One trait that is not always attributed is that of human intelligence, as dragons are sometimes depicted as simple beasts, but often they are shown as highly intelligent creatures.
Check out the video below if you want to see komodo dragons hunting prey in the wild.
Is a dragon a combination of animals?
There are at least three types of animals that are combined to create the form of a dragon, and each contributes to the overall look and deadly efficiency of these mythological creatures.
The reptilian armor and sinuous form of a snake are seen within the body of many dragons, while the heavy, curved talons and wings are indicative of how alike dragons are to birds of prey.
Their keen eyesight is another avian quality that builds up their likeness to birds, but their heavy, tooth-lined jaws cause many to think of large cats, as does their predatory nature and stories of how dragons tend to attack their prey.
Some depictions of dragons seem to have a lot of crocodile features in them, so crocodiles may be part of this combination also in certain cultures.

What animal is a dragon based on?
Many modern scholars also believe that dragons share a resemblance to creatures that have been extinct for some time, such as huge crocodiles which many years ago could be found in fetid swamps and heavily forested areas.
Also, dragons are often associated with certain dinosaurs that lived many years ago as dinosaurs were also very large animals.
Many dragons are also thought to owe their appearance to modern imagery that is drawn from Oriental origins.
What kind of an animal would a dragon be?
The allure of dragons is that they are not easily classified by science thanks to their magical and unknown origins.
Many would link them to reptiles, but this description would not be accurate given that reptiles are cold-blooded, and dragons are known to be warm-blooded, much like mammals.
Their ability to breathe fire also debunks the idea that they are cold-blooded.
Plus, their mystical nature defies easy classification.
In this article, you’ve read that even though dragons are fictional creatures and probably haven’t ever existed on this earth, they would likely be classified as an animal if they existed.
Also, dragons would likely, in this case, be classified as reptilian animals because dragons, generally, contain so many characteristics that are similar to the characteristics of many reptilian species that live on this earth.
But, all in all, though, it would be impossible to know for sure as dragons are not living creatures in our world today and because of their often unique characteristics, like, for example, their ability able to spit fire.
It could also very well be that they would be classified as something very different than an animal.