If you want to find out if fish is considered to be meat or seafood then you’ve come to the right article, as I’ll be covering the answer to this question in this article and after I’ve answered the main question for you then I’ll also answer a few more closely related questions, so make sure you keep on reading this article till the end.
Is fish considered meat or seafood? Fish is considered to be meat because meat mostly exists out of muscle tissue which is also the case for fish meat. Fish, however, is also considered to be seafood because fish is a food that comes out of the sea and is regularly eaten by humans.
There are, however, various religions that don’t see fish as meat although the facts tell another story. These religions, for example, only see land animals as meat-carrying animals.
Is salmon a fish or seafood?
Salmon is both considered a fish species and also considered a type of seafood because salmon contain all the characteristics that are required to call them fish and they are called seafood because we humans commonly consume them and also because they live in the sea.
So, if the fish in question wasn’t eaten by us humans regularly then the fish species in question wouldn’t be called seafood because we don’t consume it regularly.
Why can fish be considered meat?
As long as an animal has muscle tissue located in its body then it can be said that the animal in question also has meat on its body. This is the case because meat mainly consists of muscle tissue. Fish also have muscle tissue located in their bodies and are therefore considered to be meat.
The animal “sea sponge”, for example, is an animal that does not have any muscle tissue and therefore cannot be considered as meat.
Is fish white meat?
All fish that live on this earth are considered to have white meat. This doesn’t mean that their meat is always white though. The so-called white meat is made of muscles with fibers that are named fast-twitching muscles.
The same, for example, can be said when we are talking about chicken meat. Chicken contains a mixture of dark and white meat but we mainly call chicken meat white meat. The dark meat of the chicken is made of muscles with fibers that are slow-twitching muscles.
Why is fish seafood?
All the animals that originate from the sea and that are also eaten by us humans regularly can be called seafood. So, you can be sure that not every single fish species can be called seafood as not every fish species is eaten by us regularly.
The most commonly eaten seafood by us humans are oysters, crabs, salmon, tuna, clams, mussels, snails, lobsters, shrimps, prawns, and mollusks.
Is catfish seafood?
Although catfish is an animal that is not on the list of most frequently consumed seafood, catfish can indeed be called seafood. It is, however, best to not consume too much catfish throughout your life as eating too much catfish can be unhealthy for our bodies.
There are, however, also people out there that don’t identify catfish as seafood because they believe that catfish is a type of fish species that aren’t much consumed all over the world.
Is tilapia seafood?
You can be sure that tilapia fish can be identified as seafood because they originate from the sea and because they’re often consumed by us human beings. There are, however, a ton of people that do not like the taste of tilapia fish because they find the fish flavorless.
In my opinion, the best thing you can do when preparing tilapia fish is to make sure that you season the tilapia fish right as a good seasoning can do wonders to the taste of this lovely sea creature.
Is tuna seafood?
Tuna is one of the most commonly consumed fish species that are out there and it is a fish species that originates from the sea. Therefore, it is right to say that tuna is surely considered to be seafood.
Tuna is so widely consumed all over the world because they taste amazing. Flavors that you’ll commonly experience with tuna fish are a mild and tender flavor with an oily texture.
Besides these flavor experiences, you will also experience a powerful flavor that is not overwhelming.

Are freshwater fish considered seafood?
Freshwater fish don’t live in the sea but originally did originate from the sea. To be precise all the living animals on this earth originally originated from the sea. So, as long as the freshwater fish species are commonly consumed by us humans then you can call the fish species, seafood.
Various examples of freshwater fish species that are commonly consumed by us are eels, trout, salmon, herring, catfish, and bass.
Are river fish considered seafood?
You can be sure that certain river fish species can be identified as seafood because river fish originally originated from the sea and because there are various fish species out there that we humans commonly consume throughout our lives.
There are, for example, various species of herring, salmon, and trout that live in rivers and that are commonly consumed by us humans.
You already know a lot more about whether fish are considered meat or seafood. But do you also want to find out if fish are considered insects or animals? If this is the case then you should check out the article: “Are Fish Considered Insects Or Animals? (Explained In-Depth)” which will give you the answer to this question and the answers to a lot more closely related questions.
What fish are not considered as seafood?
So many different kinds of fish species are not considered seafood. They are not considered seafood because we humans don’t consume them regularly. Examples of fish species that are not considered seafood are pufferfish, great white shark, piranha, and stonefish.
As you can already tell, a lot of the carnivorous fish species that are out there are not considered seafood just like we, for example, do not consume many carnivorous land animals.
Other examples of fish species that are not considered seafood are goldfish, red lionfish, and tigerfish.
Check out the video below which will go through the three best fish species to eat and the three worst fish species to eat.
What are the differences between meat and seafood?
All in all, there aren’t any differences between meat-carrying animals and animals we consider to be seafood. Animals that are considered seafood have muscle tissue located in their bodies and can therefore also be identified as meat.
There are, however, various religions like, for example, the Catholics that believe that seafood isn’t considered to be meat. They only consider fur-covered animals to be meat-carrying animals.
Why is fish different from meat?
When you take a look at the facts, so, what the meaning of meat is then you can conclude that fish is meat as well. Fish isn’t any different from meat. Meat exists out of muscle tissue, so if muscle tissue can be found in an animal’s body then the animal can be called meat when eaten.
A lot of people that aren’t religious though, do like to call fish just fish and not fish, meat but, all in all, this is of course just a personal preference.
What is fish meat called?
Fish meat is called fish all over the world which is just a name that’s given to any fish species that’s out there. Whenever you want to be more precise about the fish species its meat that you’re talking about then you can just say the fish species its name, for example, trout, or tuna.
Being more precise about the fish species its name is going to be the best way of letting the person know which type of fish meat you’re talking about. So, make sure you always call out the name of the fish species when you’re talking about fish meat.
Why does not everyone consider fish as meat?
There are certain religions out there that only call the flesh of fur-covered mammals meat. Apart from people that believe in these religions, there are also just people that have this belief themselves without them believing in any religions.
The people that believe in this, for example, also do not call chicken meat carrying animals because they are not fur-covered mammals.
Why do religious people have different opinions about whether fish is meat or not?
Although every religion is going to have its opinion about whether fish is considered meat or not, Catholic people for instance share the opinion that only animals that live on land can be identified as meat-carrying animals. So, fish for them are not seen as meat-carrying animals.
When looking at the facts, however, you can be sure that fish indeed can be identified as meat-carrying animals as meat mainly consists of muscle tissue which is also what all fish species have located in their bodies.

Related questions
Is fish the healthiest meat?
In general, it is best to include poultry and fish in your diet as these two types of meat sources are the most healthy. Fish meat is, for example, loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and it’s also loaded with Vitamin D which are both essential for our bodies.
Check out the video below if you want to find out what happens to your body once you start eating fish more often.
What animals are considered seafood?
We, humans, consider animals to be seafood whenever the animal comes out of the sea and whenever the animal in question is commonly eaten by us. Examples of animals that are considered to be seafood are:
- Crabs.
- Crayfish.
- Lobsters.
- Shrimps.
- Prawns.
- Oysters.
- Scallops.
- Sea snails.
Is fish meat good for you?
Fish is a type of meat that is very good for our bodies as it is low in fat and high in protein. Apart from these two aspects, fish also contains various vitamins like Vitamin D and Vitamin B2, and it also contains many essential minerals like iron, zinc, and magnesium.
Now you know that fish is considered meat because fish mostly exists out of muscle tissue which are the building blocks to call something meat.
You also know by now that fish is considered seafood because fish comes out of the sea and also because fish meat is regularly eaten by us humans.