So you are wondering just like I did yesterday what goat meat tastes like. You’ve come to the right article then because in this article, I’ll give a direct answer to this question and after answering this question I will also give answers to closely related questions.
What does goat meat taste like? Goat meat tends to have a gamey, sweet, soft, tender, venison-like, lamb-like, and beef-like taste. Many people also claim that the meat tastes a bit sweeter than beef and the taste will differ depending on how the meat is prepared and cooked, and also on the age of the goat.
Goat meat has a strong flavor which makes it an awesome meat choice for creating soups or broths. Together with this fact, it is best to use meat from younger goats as meat from older goats tends to taste a lot worse. When I’m talking about young goats then I’m talking about goats that are about three months old.
Besides these facts, it is also best to not eat the fat of the goat meat as their fat will not taste good. Eating, for example, the fat of beef is where the flavors are at but this is not the case with goat meat.
Check out the video below to see what a random person thinks about the taste of goat meat.
Are there situations possible when goat meat might taste different?
The meat of goats can differ in taste depending on the age of the goat and on the method you choose to prepare the meat. It is, for example, best to eat goat meat from younger goats, like 3 months old as their meat will taste the best.
Also, you should always be mindful of not overcooking the goat meat as this can result in the meat tasting tough and chewy.
Does goat meat taste good?
If you stick to eating the meat of young goats and make sure that you follow a good recipe then you can be sure that the meat will taste good. The meat especially tastes good because its taste is closely related to the taste of beef.
There will, however, still be a lot of people that dislike the taste of goat meat, so the opinion on my given answer is going to differ from person to person.
Why does goat meat taste bad?
Different situations can occur which would result in the prepared goat meat tasting bad. First of all, you should make sure that you’re using quality meat from a younger goat, and second of all, you should follow a good recipe and make sure that you don’t overcook the meat.
The taste of the goat meat will automatically become gamier if the goat meat comes from an older aged goat, so if you like gaminess then choosing an older goat might be a better option for you.
You can also quickly find out if the meat is tasting bad because it has been overcooked, by checking if the meat is tough to chew.
Does goat meat taste like lamb?
You can expect the taste of goat meat to be kind of the same as the taste of lamb meat. The two different kinds of meats do share a gamey taste but then again their tastes are not the same as older goat meat will have a stronger taste than regular lamb meat.
You should also keep in mind that goat meat is red meat which isn’t the most healthy to consume, so if you can’t stay away from eating goat meat then make sure you don’t eat it too often.
Does goat meat taste like deer?
You can expect goat meat to taste a lot like deer meat. To get their tastes to be alike you’ll have to make sure that both types of meat are properly prepared and it’s also important that both the goat and the deer are of a similar age when processed.
Some people also say that good-tasting deer meat is a lot like the taste of bad-tasting goat meat but then again these are opinions of people and not based on facts.
If you can’t get enough of learning about goats then I encourage you to check out the “Goats Category Page” which consists of various articles that give answers to goat-related questions.
Does goat meat taste like pork?
You can expect goat meat to not taste the same as pork meat because goat meat, will, first of all, have less of an iron flavor. Thereby will pork meat taste a bit sweeter than goat meat and you can also expect pork meat to be more tender if it’s cooked correctly.
Besides these facts, you can also expect the pork meat to hold more calories, so make sure you don’t eat too much pork meat either.

Does goat meat taste like beef?
You can generally expect goat meat to taste like beef but there are still differences between the tastes of both types of meat. Goat meat is when compared to beef, savory and overall less sweet as well. So, you shouldn’t go for goat meat if you want to experience a beef taste.
They are, however, both considered red meat which overall isn’t healthy for you if you consume them a lot.
Does goat meat taste like sheep?
Although both types of meat have some tastes in common, goat meat generally doesn’t taste the same as sheep meat. Goat meat is overall considered a lot sweeter than lamb meat and goat meat also has lower fat contents.
A common taste that both types of meat have in common though is a gamey flavor. Which is generally disliked by people.
Is goat meat tastier than sheep meat?
Generally, you can expect the opinions to differ when it comes to either goat meat or sheep meat being tastier as everybody is going to have a different opinion. If you enjoy sweeter tasting meats then your best bet will be to go for goat meat.
Both types of meat are also similar when it comes to their structure and fat contents, so on those aspects both types of meat will apply if you need to choose.
Does goat meat taste gamey?
The taste of goat meat is generally going to taste gamey like many other types of meat that are frequently consumed by people. Another great aspect of goat meat is that the meat tastes sweeter than other commonly eaten gamey meats.
So, if you are a meat-lover but don’t like any gamey tastes then it is either best to fully skip eating goat meat or to only eat goat meat that comes from young goats because young goat meat is the least gamey of all goat meats.
What does curry goat taste like?
You can expect the common goat tastes to exist in goat meat together with the taste of curry as you’re making a curry goat meal. So, the common tastes together with the taste of curry will be a gamey, sweet, soft, tender, venison-like, lamb-like, and beef-like taste.
I haven’t tried eating goat meat before but I’d imagine it to taste alright in a curry goat meal.
Check out the video below to see someone prepare curry goat.
Does mountain goat meat taste good?
Mountain goat pretty much tastes the same as regular goat meat, so if the mountain goat meat happens to come from an older mountain goat then you can expect the meat to be quite tough to chew just like it would be when eating regular goat meat from older goats.
So, if you decide to prepare mountain goat meat then you should also make sure to not overcook the meat as this can result in the meat tasting bad as well.

Related questions
Why is goat meat so expensive?
The main reason why goat meat is pretty expensive is that it is generally quite hard to raise goats. Besides this fact is the meat yield for each goat low when compared to, for example, cow meat which automatically makes goat meat more expensive.
Can you eat an old goat?
Just like you can eat goat meat from young goats, can you also eat meat from old goats. Meat from old goats, however, isn’t going to taste better than the meat of young goats, so it is better to go for young goat meat if you have the choice.
Why is goat meat not sold in stores?
Some time ago goat meat wasn’t that popular but nowadays the popularity of eating goat meat is increasing. So, because of the increase in popularity of goat meat, a lot more grocery stores are selling goat meat which enables you to more easily buy goat meat.
So now you know that goat meat generally will contain tastes that many people on this earth are going to enjoy. These tastes are sweet, soft, tender, venison-like, lamb-like, and beef-like. The only taste that many people are not going to like in goat meat is the gaminess that mainly will exist in the meat of older goats.