So you are wondering what shrimp meat smells like when it has gone bad. In this article, you’ll find the answer to this question and also answers to a few more closely related questions, so make sure you keep on reading this article till the end.
What does shrimp meat smell like when it has gone bad? In general, fresh shrimp meat will have pretty much no odor and will smell a bit like the sea. If the shrimp meat, however, smells fishy, like ammonia, like bleach, or if the smell is slightly off then you can be sure that the shrimp meat has gone bad and that you shouldn’t eat it.
The spoiled shrimp smell comes from the growth of bacteria in the shrimp meat. These bacteria can cause food poisoning whenever you eat the meat, so you should always make sure that you don’t eat the shrimp meat if it has spoiled.
Does shrimp meat always smell when it has gone bad?
In general, you can expect shrimp meat to pretty much always have an odor whenever it has gone bad. It can, however, be that frozen shrimp meat has gone bad which would result in the meat not having any odors. So, make sure you keep an eye on the expiration date of the shrimp meat.
Also, it is best to not eat the shrimp meat if there are no signs of a bad smell but if you also still don’t trust it. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Why does shrimp meat smell?
The sea-like smell that is experienced in fresh shrimp is normal as shrimp are animals that come out of the sea. If the shrimp meat is, however, spoiled then the growth of bacteria in the meat causes the shrimp to smell bad.
So, slightly smelling shrimp meat doesn’t have to be a sign that the meat in question is spoiled but it is always smart to check the shrimp’s meat smell before you’re about to cook it.
Check out the video below if you want to find out what the 5 ways are to tell if shrimp are fresh or not.
Why does shrimp meat smell bad?
Whenever shrimp meat smells bad then you can be sure that bacteria have already infiltrated the meat as the infiltration of bacteria causes the meat to smell bad. If you, for example, still decide to eat the meat when it smells bad then you risk getting sick from food poisoning.
A bad smell in meat occurs pretty much in all the meats we know, like, for example, beef, chicken, and pork. Bad smells can pretty much always be linked to the meat being spoiled.
Why does shrimp meat smell like sulfur?
If you happen to run into shrimp meat that has a sulfur-like smell then you can be sure that the shrimp meat in question has passed its expiration date. Shrimp meat should also not smell like chlorine, ammonia, or rotten eggs as these smells are also signs of expired shrimp meat.
If you, however, do decide to still eat the shrimp whilst it smells like sulfur then you risk food poisoning.
Why does shrimp meat smell like rotten eggs?
You can generally expect your shrimp meat to be too old if the shrimp meat starts to smell like rotten eggs. If you experience the smell of ammonia in shrimp meat then it can also be said that the shrimp meat in question is too old and shouldn’t be eaten.
In my opinion, it is best to throw every kind of food away once it starts smelling like rotten eggs as this generally can’t be a good sign.

Why does shrimp meat smell like ammonia?
Whenever you experience an ammonia-like smell in your shrimp meat then you can be sure that the shrimp meat in question has spoiled. The ammonia smell is caused by bacteria that are present in the meat. You should by all means avoid eating shrimp meat that smells like ammonia.
It is also very important to always smell your shrimp meat once they are unfrozen because an ammonia smell in shrimp meat can often not be experienced whilst the shrimp are still frozen.
You already know a lot more about what shrimp meat smells like when it has gone bad. But do you also want to find out what shrimp meat tastes like? If this is the case then you should check out the article: “What Does Shrimp Meat Taste Like? (Explained In-Depth)” which will give you the answer to this question plus a few more answers to closely related questions.
Why does shrimp meat smell like feet?
A bad foot smell is never a nice smell to experience, especially if this smell happens to occur in your shrimp meat. If this smell does occur in your shrimp meat, however, then you can be sure that the shrimp meat in question has spoiled and therefore shouldn’t be eaten.
All in all, though, a foot smell in shrimp meat isn’t experienced that much. You’re, for example, more likely to experience a fishy smell in shrimp meat whenever the meat has spoiled.
Why does shrimp meat smell like iodine?
Experiencing an iodine smell in shrimp meat is not an uncommon occurrence. Some shrimp species will naturally come with an iodine smell. The iodine smell is therefore in most shrimp species not related to spoilage or bad water quality.
However, it is always a best practice to double-check the expiration date of your shrimp meat and it is also smart to check if the shrimp meat shows any other signs of meat spoilage.
Why does shrimp meat smell like bleach?
Whenever you experience a bleach smell in your shrimp meat then you can be sure that the meat in question has spoiled. It is therefore a best practice to just buy new fresh shrimps whenever you run into a bleach-like smell.
It can, however, also happen that the shrimp in question is cleaned in bleach by the seller but if this is the case then you should make sure to never buy any foods from that seller anymore as cleaning foods in bleach is unacceptable and possibly even bad for your health.
What is shrimp meat supposed to smell like?
Raw shrimp, generally, shouldn’t have a smell at all as long as it is still good to eat. A slight sea-like smell would be normal as well but a bleach-like smell or a fish-like smell will most of the time be signs of spoiled shrimp meat.
A sea-like or salty smell can be experienced in shrimp meat because shrimps live in the sea throughout their entire lives.
Should shrimp meat smell fishy?
Fresh shrimp meat should generally have no smell or it should have a slight sea-like smell. A fishy smell in shrimp meat doesn’t always have to be a sign that the shrimp meat is spoiled but most of the time, however, it will be the case.
If you are sure that the shrimp isn’t spoiled yet but does smell fishy then you can, for example, get rid of the fishy smell by soaking the shrimp in milk for about 20 minutes.
Is it OK to eat shrimp if they smell fishy?
Shrimp meat may smell fishy whilst it’s still good to be eaten but generally, you shouldn’t eat shrimp meat if they smell fishy. Especially if the fishy smell in your shrimp meat smells very strong then it is best to not eat it.
In my opinion, it is always a best practice to buy some new fresh meat if you’re not sure if the current meat you have is spoiled or not.

Is frozen shrimp bad if it smells fishy?
It is for sure a bad sign if your frozen shrimp meat smells bad because frozen meat, in general, shouldn’t have a smell at all because it is still frozen. If your shrimp meat happens to smell fishy whilst it’s still frozen then you should make sure to discard it.
It’s also important to keep in mind that if a fishy smell in your unfrozen raw shrimp meat is experienced that you should also toss the meat into the bin as this is also a sign of spoilage.
How do you get rid of a fishy smell in shrimp?
A fishy smell in shrimp meat is often experienced and doesn’t always have to mean that the shrimp meat in question has spoiled. To get rid of the fishy smell, it is best to rinse your shrimp under cold tap water which will help remove the amino acids that cause the shrimp to smell fishy.
Other common ways to get rid of a fishy smell in shrimp meat is by dipping your shrimp meat in either lemon juice or vinegar, or by soaking your shrimp meat in milk for about 20 minutes.
Check out the video below if you want to see for yourself how you can get rid of a fishy smell in shrimp.
Related questions
How do you get rid of a shrimp smell?
Sometime before you start cooking the shrimp meat, it is best to treat your shrimp meat with certain acids like, for example, vinegar, or lemon juice. If this isn’t an option for you then you can also soak your shrimp meat in a bowl of milk for about 20 minutes to get rid of unpleasant smells.
How do you get rid of a shrimp smell whilst cooking?
The best way to get rid of a shrimp smell whilst cooking is by treating your shrimp meat with lemon juice and vinegar sometime before cooking and also whilst you’re cooking. Another thing that you can do to get rid of a shrimp smell is soaking the shrimp meat in milk for about 20 minutes.
How to get rid of a shrimp smell on your hands?
There are various ways to get rid of a shrimp smell on your hands. Examples of these ways are:
- Mix up homemade cleaners with water by using lemon juice, baking soda, and vinegar.
- Scrubbing your hands with toothpaste.
- Rubbing your hands on stainless steel appliances will result in the smell being absorbed from your skin.
Now you know that shrimp meat will most of the time only have a slight sea-like odor whenever the meat is still good to eat. The shrimp meat will start to smell like ammonia whenever the meat has spoiled, or the shrimp meat will start having an off smell which is also a sign that the shrimp meat has spoiled and that you shouldn’t eat it.