Were you wondering what turkey meat smells like? In this article, we help you uncover what the different kinds of smells emanating from your turkey meat could mean and when it should raise a cause for alarm.
What does turkey meat smell like?
It is quite easy to tell whether your raw turkey is fresh or not. Fresh raw turkey, like any other kind of meat, has a slight odor. You will know that turkey is safe for consumption when the odor is especially similar to raw chicken. On the other hand, a spoiled raw turkey will have a strong unpleasant smell which will automatically result in you throwing the meat away.
What does cooked turkey meat smell like?
The smell of cooked turkey, unlike the raw version, is easier to detect. Cooking or reheating, your turkey should result in a smell that is quite similar to that of chicken. While it is possible to detect a smell from raw turkey, fresh ground turkey, for example, may not give off any smell at all until you start cooking. Once it starts heating up you should expect a strong turkey smell as well.
What does vacuum-packed turkey meat smell like?
The minute you open your vacuum-packed turkey meat, you will most likely be hit by a weird smell. This should not give you a reason to worry. Essentially, vacuum packaging works because oxygen is removed from the pouch and what is left is the meat and all its natural juices. After a while, it is completely normal for both to develop a sharp smell- due to bacteria in the meat. To get rid of the smell, all you have to do is wash the turkey in clean fresh water, pat it dry and let it rest under room temperature for a while. Approximately 20-30 minutes will do. You should, however, always make sure that the vacuum-packed turkey hasn’t passed its expiration date because once it has then you should throw it away.
What does ground turkey meat smell like?
Ground turkey rarely has any real smell. However, herbs and other aromatic plants have occasionally been used as additives on commercial ground turkey. These additives act as flavoring agents to add a little taste to the regular turkey flavor. If you experience any different smells apart from the smells of the additives, such as a sour smell, it should then indicate to you that you shouldn’t eat it.
Does turkey meat smell good or bad?
The smell is a particularly relative factor. For some people, it is all they want to sniff the moment they walk into a thanksgiving kitchen, yet for others, it is intolerable. Whichever the case may be for you, you can be sure that whenever a tangy smell of spoiled meat is noticed that most likely everyone will then dislike the smell of turkey.
Does turkey tenderloin smell bad?
Turkey tenderloin should not smell any different from the rest of the meat. Similar to any other part of the bird, you will get a whiff of a slight odor. Whether you’ll dislike the smell though is based on what your preferences are when it comes to smells. Some people will love the smell of turkey tenderloin and others will dislike it.
Why does turkey meat smell good?
The reception of smell is quite different and interesting among different people. You may like the smell of raw or cooked turkey because that is how your senses perceive it. Another reason why you may like the smell of turkey is because of the additives used to flavor the meat. Turkey can be stored with extracts from herbs such as rosemary to add a little twist to the usual taste and smell. Perhaps this is why you enjoy the smell so much.
Why does turkey meat smell bad?
Turkey meat may smell bad because you either dislike that kind of smell or because you notice through its smell that it is spoiled. The distinction lies in the sharpness of the smell. Rancid meat will often have a strong tangy or pungent smell, which is different from the usual meat odor.
Check out the video below which explains how to know if your meat is still good to eat or if it has spoiled.
Does turkey meat smell sweet?
Though some may like the smell of turkey, sweet may not be the word to describe it. It is crucial to note that rotten meat often has a slightly sweet smell. Therefore, sweet-smelling turkey, especially whilst you’re cooking the meat or whilst it is still raw, may be a red flag.

Does turkey meat smell when it has gone bad?
A clear indication that your turkey is spoiled is if you detect a funky smell, which is severally equated to the smell of rotten eggs or, worse, sulfur. The smell is quite unpleasant and easy to catch.
If you can’t get enough of learning about turkeys then I encourage you to check out the “Turkeys Category Page” which consists of various articles that give answers to turkey-related questions.
Why does my turkey meat smell sour?
Any detection of a sour smell from your poultry is a sign that it has to be discarded. This smell can be attributed to bacteria such as, for example, salmonella being present in the meat.
Why does my turkey meat smell like fish?
The smell of turkey is not anywhere close to that of fish. With that said, the ‘fishy’ smell is also a confirmation that you need to throw the turkey away.
Why does my turkey meat smell weird?
If turkey smells weird, then that is unusual. An unusual smell most likely means that the turkey is spoiled and should be sent directly to the bin. Spoiled meat can cause food poisoning not only to human beings but also to animals like dogs. If the meat was, however, vacuum-packed then a weird smell doesn’t have to mean that the vacuumed packet turkey is spoiled. Always check the expiration date to be sure and if you don’t trust it then it is just best to throw it away.
Why does my turkey meat smell like a wet dog?
It is not weird for meat to have a funny smell. This mostly applies to vacuum-packed meat due to the lack of aeration. However, if your nose cannot stand it, then your stomach will not either. The funnier the smell, the more you should be convinced that it belongs to the bin.
Why does my turkey meat smell bad whilst cooking?
If the smell is anything out of the ordinary, then you can be sure to discard it as it is best not to risk it. All in all, the turkey shouldn’t have any bad smells whilst you’re cooking it, so a bad smell whilst you’re cooking it should be a red flag for sure.
Does raw turkey meat smell when it has gone bad?
Raw turkey will have an unpleasant smell when it has spoiled. If it is frozen, you may not be able to detect the smell easily. It is not until the meat thaws that you may be able to notice a funky smell. In addition to this, the raw turkey may be partially spoiled, making it a bit trickier to catch a smell. Whichever the case, if you encounter any unpleasant or worrying smells in your raw turkey then you need to get rid of all of it.
Why does my raw turkey meat smell like rotten eggs?
Considering the awful smell of rotten eggs, chances that the meat has gone rancid are higher than none. A rotten egg smell in any kind of food should pretty much always be a red flag as the food has then pretty much always past its expiration date, the same can be said for raw turkey, of course.
Why does raw turkey meat smell like farts?
Naturally, turkey has more than average proportions of methionine and cysteine. These are both sulfur-bearing amino acids. The latter is most likely the culprit in this case due to the pKa of the sulfhydryl (thiol) group. Turkey contains more amounts of the two just mentioned sulfur-bearing amino acids when compared to other meats and therefore it is more likely to experience a fart-like smell in raw turkey meat. The fart-like smell is mainly caused by the amounts of cysteine that are present in the raw turkey meat.
What does bad turkey meat smell like?
The typical smell of bad turkey has been linked to the smell of “rotten eggs or sulfur”. It is, however, also possible to experience a fart-like smell in turkey meat which most of the time will not mean that the meat is spoiled.

Is it OK to eat turkey meat that smells bad?
It is not okay to eat turkey meat that smells bad until you are completely sure that the meat is not spoiled. Some turkeys, such as the vacuum-packed ones, may have a foul smell at first, which may go away after the meat is washed. If this is not the case, then avoid it by all means.
Is it normal for turkey meat to smell like eggs?
Turkey, like any other meat, may have a slight odor but an egg smell is not normal to be experienced in turkey meat. If you experience a smell like this then you should make sure that the turkey hits the bin.
How to get rid of a bad turkey meat smell?
There are two ways to go about it. Firstly, you can prep your fridge to collect the bad odors by loosely sprinkling coffee grounds or baking soda in a large shallow container at the bottom of the refrigerator or (if you do not have enough space in the fridge) placing a partially opened box of baking soda in there until all the turkey is consumed.
For vacuum packaged meat, you can wash it in fresh, clean water, pat it dry with a kitchen towel and then let it sit at room temperature for approximately 30 minutes.
Check out the video below if you want to find out about another way of getting rid of a bad turkey meat smell.
Is it normal for ground turkey meat to have a bit of a smell?
Ground turkey more or less does not have any smell until you start to cook it. You can then detect a strong turkey smell which in most cases is normal.
Does ground turkey meat smell like farts?
Essentially every part of turkey meat contains cysteine and methionine. These two are amino acids that contain sulfur. When the sulfites escape from the packaged or canned turkey, they form sulfur dioxide, which smells like fart. So, it is not weird for ground turkey to smell like farts but, for example, a strong sulfur smell or a rotten egg smell are both red flags when it comes to turkey.
What does spoiled ground turkey meat smell like?
The smell of spoiled ground turkey is quite unpleasant. This may be detected when you start to cook the meat or when you taste it and experience a pungent taste. Similar to other meats, spoiled ground turkey may have a slightly sweet smell.
Why does my ground turkey meat smell like sulfur?
The smell of sulfur is very stinging and irritating. If your turkey has a similar smell, then it may have gone rancid. The best next step would then be to throw the ground turkey away to make sure you don’t accidentally eat it later.
All in all, it is best to never eat a turkey that smells like sulfur or like rotten eggs. It is, however, quite normal to experience a slight odor in turkey meat. However, if you cannot stand the smell then it is pretty much always a best practice to not eat the meat as buying a fresh new piece of turkey is a lot safer.