If you’re interested in finding out what a tiger is scared of throughout its lifetime then you’ve come to the right article as I’ll be answering this question for you and I’ll also give answers to closely related questions after I’ve answered the main question.
So, make sure you keep on reading this article till the end.
What is a tiger scared of?
Tigers are usually at the top of the food chain and have little fear of other things or animals. However, they are afraid of fire, dangerous predators, humans, and the unknown.
Examples of the unknown include signal flares, firearms, and sounds that they don’t recognize. If the tiger is used to the sound, then they normally do not become afraid when they hear it.
The video below shows proof that humans can indeed scare tigers.
Do tigers get scared?
Tigers can get scared. The tiger is, in this case, the same as every other animal and therefore does have something that can scare them. One of the biggest fears of tigers is fire. Fire is too big of an adversary for them to overcome.
Fire is therefore often used to train wild tigers once they have been sold to a circus. It is a key tool in the tiger tamer’s arsenal.
Which animals are tigers scared of?
Usually, tigers are considered apex predators and hold the top spot in the food chain which means that they are, generally, not afraid of other animals. But this is not always the case as the tiger often has to share its territory with larger and more dangerous animals.
They can be afraid of elephants, bears, hyenas, leopards, dholes, hippos, rhinos, crocodiles, and buffaloes. The attitude of the tiger will also depend on the size of the tiger compared to the size of the just mentioned animals.
Are tigers scared of cats?
If you have a picture of a house cat in mind, then the answer would be that tigers aren’t scared of them. House cats are just too small for a tiger to worry about and the house cat poses no threat to the tiger in any way.
The bigger cats like jaguars, lions, cheetahs, and pumas may throw a scare into a tiger but that would depend on the situation and the size of the animals involved in the confrontation.
Are tigers scared of geese?
Tigers are not afraid of geese but geese will likely be afraid of tigers. Geese may be brave and will attack humans at times but they have not been known to scare away tigers.
Like house cats, geese are just too small and do not have the weapons needed to make a tiger afraid of them. The tiger will, however, need to watch out for geese from time to time as geese can strike hard with their wings when they feel threatened.
You already know by now what tigers are scared of. But do you also want to find out if tigers are naturally aggressive animals? If you do then you should check out the article: “Are Tigers Aggressive? (Everything You Need To Know)” which will give you the answer to this question.
Are tigers scared of lions?
Tigers will be scared of lions from time to time. The reason for this fear is that lions hunt in packs and therefore the tiger is almost always outnumbered whenever there’s a confrontation.
If the lion or lioness were on its own, however, then the tiger would most likely not be afraid of the lion or lioness as the tiger will have a size and weight advantage over the lion or lioness.
Smaller tigers may have some fear for lions that hunt on their own but they also may not back down from a fight either.

Are tigers scared of birds?
Tigers are not scared of birds. Like geese, birds pose no real threat to a tiger. A hawk or an eagle may compete with the tiger for some food but the tiger would not be afraid of encounters with these two just mentioned animals.
Birds just do not have the size to make a tiger afraid. If, however, I would have to mention at least one aspect of a large bird that would make the tiger fear the bird then it would be the claws of the large bird.
Are tigers scared of dogs?
Even though there are some fairly large dog species in the world, those large dog species do not get to be the size of a tiger and they are also not as aggressive as tigers. Therefore tigers are not afraid of dogs.
The larger dogs may put up a good fight against tigers but they are outmatched in strength, weight, and size.
Are tigers scared of humans?
Tigers can be scared of humans. Especially because humans are smart enough to create scarcity in tigers even though humans aren’t stronger than tigers.
While there are man-eating tigers, most tigers do not have an affinity for human flesh and only eat humans out of desperation or because of some other extreme reason.
Are tigers scared of elephants?
Tigers can be scared of elephants. Tigers know that they are outmatched when they run into an elephant. The elephant’s size and strength are its biggest assets which are both assets that tigers cannot overcome.
Only when the elephant is on its own and the tigers are with many then the elephant will instead become scared of the tigers as the tigers will then have an advantage.
Tigers, however, only have to be afraid of elephants when their territories intersect.
Can a tiger be scared of its cub?
Tigers aren’t scared of their cubs as this would be the same as human parents being scared of their young children. Tigers are also not afraid of their cubs as their cubs just do not have the size or strength to overcome their parents.
Most tiger cubs are playful, curious and do not have any inclination to kill until they get older. The biggest threat to tigers is not their cubs but the loss of their territory.
Are tigers scared of fire?
One of the biggest fears a tiger has is fire. They do not understand it and run from fire because their instincts tell them they cannot defeat this enemy. It may have something to do with the heat or the light of the fire but whatever it is, tigers do not like fire.
This is one reason why tiger tamers use fire to help train tigers. It is an effective controlling tool.
Are tigers scared of water?
Tigers aren’t scared of water as they enjoy drinking water and use water to cool down on a hot day.
What you may not be aware of is that tigers are very good swimmers as well. They have to be as many of their prey use water as a defense mechanism and then tigers will need to go into the water to catch their prey.
Different cat species are afraid of water but tigers are not one of them. Neither are lions.

Can you scare a tiger away?
Humans can scare tigers away. One item you can use to make the tiger run away from you is a firearm. The unknown noise will startle the animal and scare them off.
Another item that can be used to scare a tiger away is a signal flare. The signal flare should be held in front of you and should be pointed at the tiger as the light and sound of the signal flare will scare the tiger away.
Making strange sounds can also potentially scare a tiger away which can, of course, be produced by humans.
Now you know that tigers are scared of certain things despite them being on the top of the food chain.
Tigers are usually scared of other dangerous predators, humans, sounds that they don’t recognize, fire, firearms, and signal flares.