If you want to know what the biggest lion is that’s ever been recorded then you’ve come to the right article.
In this article, you’ll find the exact answer to this question and after I’ve provided the answer to this question then you should make sure to keep on reading this article till the end as I’ll also cover a few more closely related questions that might be of interest to you.
Let’s get started.
What is the biggest lion that has ever been recorded?
An extremely large wild African lion was seen near Mount Kenya in Kenya. This male lion weighed 600 pounds and was said to be 11 feet long.
However, since then, the Guinness Book of World Records has claimed that the largest lion on record weighed in at 690 pounds and was killed in the year 1936 in South Africa.
What was the biggest lion in the world in 2021?
The biggest living lion on record in the year 2021 was named Hercules, an adult male “liger” which is a hybrid of a lion and a tiger. Technically put, ligers are hybrid big cats that are the result of a successful mating between a tigress P. Tigris and a lion Panthera leo.
Hercules made the record of being the biggest lion in the year 2021 because his total length was 131 inches, his shoulder width was 49 inches, and his weight reached 922 pounds.
The first known liger was born in December of 2013 when a white Bengal tigress named Saraswati gave birth to the first confirmed white liger in the world at Myrtle Beach Safari Park in South Carolina.
Even though they’re such large animals, ligers are swift and can run as fast as 50 mph. It’s been said that ligers can run faster than lions, and, being so big, they are capable of rendering their prey unconscious when they hit them.
In general, however, ligers tend to be gentle, even-tempered, and even quite tolerant animals.
At one time, ligers were long thought to be sterile. However, in 1943 at the Munich Hellabrunn Zoo, a 15-year-old liger was successfully mated with a lion. As it turns out, ligers are quite fertile and capable of mating with other ligers, tigers, or lions.
The fact is that fertile hybrids like ligers represent a very complex scientific problem because they’re breaking a basic rule of the Biological Species Concept, which is that two different species shouldn’t have the ability to breed and bring future fertile offspring into the world.
The female ligers (aka ligresses) can often have baby ligers who tend to, generally, grow to be much bigger than their parents.
Check out the video below if you want to see what a liger looks like.
What was the biggest lion in the world in 2020?
Again, it was the adult male liger named Hercules, whose father was a lion and his mother was a tiger. Hercules lived up to his name, weighing in at 922 pounds and he stood a whopping 11 feet tall when he stood up on his hind legs.
And, he was a rare breed as well since it’s believed that there are only a handful of these hybrid ligers living worldwide. In January 2020, the liger Hercules was 16 years old and was still able to jump as far as 40 feet!
The origins of ligers have been traced back to India, where during the late 1700s and early 1800s, the very first liger cubs were believed to have been born between.
A famous German animal trader named Carl Hagenbeck was known for breeding at least two of them in his zoo. The liger that has lived the longest in recorded history was a female whose name was Shasta.
She was born on May 6, 1948, at the Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City, Utah. She passed away on July 19, 1972, when she was 24 years plus 74 days old.
Size-wise, ligers are even larger than tigons, which are the hybrid offspring of a male tiger (Panthera tigris) and a female lion (Panthera leo), which is the exact opposite of Hercules’s lineage.
Ligers generally weigh on average 1,000 pounds with the largest liger on record weighing 1,600 pounds. They’re known to be the biggest cats on earth since tigers only weigh around 500 pounds and the weight of lions maxes out at approximately 600 pounds.
Check out the video below if you want to see what a tigon looks like.
What is the biggest mountain lion that’s ever been recorded?
The biggest mountain lion ever recorded weighed 276 pounds. When compared to a giant panda, mountain lions are generally larger since the pandas only average around 245 pounds.
The average weight of a Mountain lion also comes close to the average weight of a female lion, which weighs approximately 280 pounds.
A mountain lion of 276 pounds is extremely rare since they usually only weigh from 75 to 175 pounds. Their coats are generally light brown and their fur is both short and coarse. Their undersides are white, and their tails are tipped in black.
You already know what the biggest lion is that’s ever been recorded. But do you also want to find out how fast lions can run? If this is the case then you should check out the article: “How Fast Can Lions Run? (Not What You Expect)” which will provide you with the answer to this question.

What is the biggest lion species?
The biggest lion species known to mankind is the Barbary lion, however, it is known that they became extinct some time ago. It has been reported that the biggest wild lion of this species weighed 690 pounds. He was killed in 1936 in South Africa.
Some even grew to lengths that ranged between 9.8 feet and 10.8 feet. Barbary lions developed longer-haired manes due to the low temperatures that prevailed where some of them lived in the Atlas Mountains of Africa during the winter months.
What is the biggest male lion?
Lions that live in captivity tend to be bigger than lions that live in the wild because lions that live in captivity are fed regularly and don’t run into many dangerous situations.
The heaviest male lion on record was therefore a resident of England’s Colchester Zoo in 1970. His name was Simba and he weighed 826 pounds.
Was the Barbary lion the biggest lion species?
The Barbary Lion was the biggest lion species known to mankind and was regularly found in North Africa, specifically in the region that stretches from Morocco (in the west) to Egypt (in the east).
They’ve gone extinct but a few of their descendants are still surviving in captivity and then mostly in zoos.

Are lions bigger than tigers?
Lions are not bigger than tigers. Even if lions reach 550 pounds in weight then lions are still only the second largest cat species in the feline family.
Tigers are the largest, however, when lions are confronted by others, their manes make them appear to be much larger than they are.
Are lions bigger than jaguars?
Lions are bigger than jaguars as jaguars are only the third biggest animals of all of the feline species worldwide. So, the biggest living feline species that exist are the tigers.
After the tigers, the lions come in second place, and the jaguars finish third when it comes down to the rankings of biggest feline species.
You’ve learned that the biggest lion that has ever been recorded lived in South Africa and was killed in the year 1936. This lion weighed 690 pounds and was 11 feet long, and holds the number one spot on the Guinness Book of World Records.