If you’re interested in finding out what the weight, height, and length of a lion is then you’ve come to the right article. As I’ll be answering all these aspects for you and after answering all these aspects I’ll also give answers to a few more closely related questions, so make sure you keep on reading this article till the end.
What is the weight, height, and length of a lion? A male lion weighs 330 to 570 pounds and a female lion weighs 270 to 400 pounds. The height of an average male lion is 1.2 meters whilst a female lion has a height of 1.1 meters. The length of a male lion lies between 5.6 and 8.3 feet whilst the length of a female lion lies between 4.6 and 5.7 feet.
So, as you can tell female lions generally weigh less than male lions, also the height of female lions is generally lower than that of lions, and also the length of female lions is less when compared to male lions.
How much does a full-size male lion and a female lion weigh in pounds?
Generally, you can expect full-grown lions to weigh up to 570 pounds. Their weight generally doesn’t go below 330 pounds. Female lions can weigh as much as 400 pounds. The weight of female lions generally doesn’t fall below 270 pounds.
Although male lions generally weigh more than female lions, are taller than female lions, and their length is more than female lions, you can be sure that male lions will not be the ones that will hunt down prey within their lion group as female lions happily take on this task.
How much do male lions and female lions weigh in kg?
In general, you can expect male lions to weigh between 149 to 190 KG and female lions to weigh between 122 to 181 KG. So, as you can tell, their differences in weight do not vary that much. Male lions will mostly weigh more than female lions though.
There have been sightings, however, of a male lion weighing 408 KG but then again this is very uncommon to see. You can be sure though that this male lion truly lived in a powerful group of lions.
Can lions weigh nearly 1000 pounds in the wild?
There aren’t any lions out there that will weigh 1000 pounds but some time ago there was a lion alive that was 900 pounds. It is not great for the lion to weigh too much as it can, for example, greatly influence their hunting and escaping skills.
A good average weight for lions falls between 270 pounds and 570 pounds which on the lower end is the minimum weight of a female lion and on the upper end the maximum weight of a male lion.
How much does an African lion weigh?
African lions averagely weigh between 330 and 500 pounds when they’re fully grown. The average weight of adult African lions, however, is 410 pounds. Also, the largest African lion that lived on this earth weighed around 800 pounds.
There hasn’t been an African lion so far that has beaten the record weight of 900 pounds but maybe in the future some African lion will, we’ll see.

How much does a mountain lion weigh?
Mountain lions love to find their food in the mountains as this is their favorite habitat to hunt. A male mountain lion will weigh between 53 to 100 KG and a female mountain lion will weigh between 29 to 64 KG.
So, when compared to most other lion species, it can be said that mountain lions fall in the range of lion species that don’t weigh that much. They, however, are incredible hunters.
How much does a barbary lion weigh?
Male Barbary lions can reach weights of between 181 to 295 KG whilst female barbary lions can reach weights of between 120 to 181 KG. These are the kind of weights that generally can also be found in Bengal tigers.
Barbary lions aren’t that well-known but you can be sure that they are both very lethal when it comes to hunting their prey and they’re also very beautiful animals.
If you can’t get enough of learning about lions then I encourage you to check out the “Lions Category Page” which consists of various articles that give answers to lion-related questions.
What is the height of lions in cm?
We already know that the height of male lions in meters goes up to 1.2 meters and that the height of females in meters goes up to 1.1 meters. So, in centimeters, these heights will equal 120 cm and 110 cm.
There probably have been some lions that exceeded the just mentioned heights but then again the lions that did were truly exceptions to the rule.
What much do lions and humans differ in height?
Whilst lions are standing on their four feet, they can reach heights of up to 120 cm. When we humans stand on our two feet, we can reach heights of 272 cm which is in comparison to the height of lions, a crazy number.
You can, however, be sure though that once lions start to walk on two of their feet that you will be intimidated because they can look frighteningly tall when they do.
How tall can an African lion get?
Generally, you can expect male African lions to not become taller than 1.2 meters which in centimeters would mean that they won’t become taller than 120 cm. Female African lions, on the other hand, will generally not become taller than 1.1 meters which would equal 110 cm.
There are probably a few African lions out there that have exceeded the maximum tallness I’ve mentioned above but these few African lions would be the outliers as it is generally unlikely for them to achieve higher heights.
What is the length of an African lion?
Male African lions generally will get to a length of about 1.8 to 2.1 meters which equals 180 in centimeters. Female African lions on the other hand will get to a length of about 1.6 to 1.8 meters which would equal to 160 to 180 in centimeters.
The length of the African lion that I’ve mentioned is measured from their heads to their tails which I must say, came to an impressive length.

What is the weight of lion cubs?
Lion cubs will generally weigh around 2 to 4 pounds which is about 0.9 to 1.8 kg. Therefore it is a good thing that they’re at first raised by their lion dad and mom because otherwise, they wouldn’t stand a chance on their own in the wild.
Also, the first 6 weeks of the cubs being alive, the cubs will be raised alone by their mother and after these 6 weeks, they will rejoin the full group of lions where they’re part of.
Related questions
What is the heaviest lion ever recorded?
Although there have been different sightings of heavy lions all over the world, the heaviest lion that was ever recorded weighed 900 pounds which is way too heavyweight for a lion to function properly.
Check out the video below if you want to see a video about the biggest lion that has ever been recorded.
Are lions bigger than tigers?
You can expect tigers to generally be bigger than lions. Tigers surely need their bigness more than lions as tigers are animals that tend to hunt on their own whilst lions primarily hunt in groups. Besides these facts, you can expect tigers to also be more aggressive than lions.
Check the video below if you want to see a video about the biggest tigers in the world.
What are the differences in weight between lions and tigers?
Tigers generally weigh more than lions which can also be seen when we take a look at the averages in weight for both species. Male tigers, for example, generally weigh between 90 to 310 KG whilst male lions weigh between 149 to 190 KG.
Now you know that lions on average will weigh between 270 to 570 pounds, the height of lions won’t exceed above 1.2 meters, and the length of lions will fall between 4.6 to 8.3 feet.