Imagine a peaceful night where you’re just about to drift off to sleep.
You think you hear a faint noise, but you’re not quite sure what it is.
Then, you see it. A rather large spider has just crawled out from under your bed and scurried across the floor, underneath the door to your closet.
Could this have been the sound you were hearing?
In this article, you’ll find out if spiders can even make any noises or sounds and after reading this article, you’ll know for sure if the spider under your bed did indeed make those sounds.
What sounds do spiders make? As it turns out, they do indeed make certain sounds, and people can even hear them if it’s quiet enough around them. Examples of sounds that spiders can make are:
- A vibrating sound.
- A purring noise for attracting mates.
- A chirping sound to prevent themselves from being eaten.
- A hissing sound.
It sounds like the recipe for a good horror movie, but if you’re genuinely interested in finding out more, keep reading. You might be surprised to learn just how unique spiders can be.
Check out the video below if you want to find out what other sounds spiders can make when they’re about to mate.
Why Do Spiders Make These Sounds?
In some cases, spiders make noises because they’re trying to attract a mate.
Some people have the misconception that they do it to attract prey, but when they’re after prey, the goal is to be as silent as possible so they can sneak up on the prey.
Therefore, it wouldn’t make much sense for them to make all kinds of noises when they’re trying to catch a meal.
However, all of that changes when it comes to finding another spider to mate with.
It’s then that they decide to get vocal, in whatever way that particular spider “vocalizes”.
It’s also important to note that the types of noises made largely depend on the kind of spider in question, as well as the environment the spider is in at that particular moment.
Another important reason why spiders often make noises is to avoid being eaten.
You might consider it the equivalent of showing off muscles at the gym.
It comes down to proving that the particular spider in question is capable of handling any potential threat that comes around, even from other spiders.
If you can’t get enough of learning about spiders then I encourage you to check out the “Spiders Category Page” which consists of various articles that give answers to spider-related questions.
Can Spiders Scream?
The very idea of a screaming spider is enough to send most people running for the hills.
It probably makes you want to scream yourself.
The good news is that everything you see in Hollywood doesn’t necessarily equate to reality.
This is most definitely one of those cases.
The only screaming that will be going on when you encounter a spider will be coming from you.
While spiders can and do make certain noises, screaming is simply not part of their repertoire.
That said, you might be interested to learn that they can make other types of sounds, most of which will be discussed in the following sections.
Depending on who’s listening, some describe it as a chirping sound whilst others think it sounds more like a purring cat.
Either way, there are specific reasons that some spiders make these sounds, and it’s all quite fascinating.
Do Spiders Make Chirping Sounds?
Spiders may not scream, but they certainly do make chirping sounds.
Tarantulas and other types of spiders do this.
It’s most common among cannibalistic spiders.
In other words, the types of spiders that are most likely to eat other spiders are usually the ones that make the most chirping sounds.
They accomplish this through one of two methods.
They can make their abdomen vibrate or rub a leg against appendages on their jaws that make a certain chirping noise.
There are two reasons for this.
The vibration of the abdomen is what amounts to a mating call.
The latter method of noise-making also referred to as stridulation, involves their desire not to become dinner for another spider.
Therefore, they do this to ward off other spiders that might otherwise be inclined to enjoy a bite or two.
They’re essentially trying to make themselves seem bigger and better than the other spiders around them so that they’ll be left alone and not become someone else’s dinner.
While you might think that a spider that is trying to avoid being eaten by another spider would fare better if it simply hid and stayed quiet, this instead has the opposite effect.
In the spider world, those who remain still and quiet are usually the ones that are eaten first.
However, the ones that make the most noise and create the biggest display of strength are more likely to be left alone.

Can You Hear Spiders Walk?
Typically, you can’t hear a spider approaching but the spider might be able to hear you.
Jumping spiders are especially great at hearing you.
They can hear you walking and speaking up to ten feet away from their location.
If that doesn’t send a shiver down your back, you might like to know that in very rare cases, there are certain tarantulas that you can hear when they move because of their large size.
In addition, they tend to stand up and make hissing sounds when they’re not happy.
Imagine walking up on one of those unintentionally and having them hiss at you in the middle of the night.
While you’re not likely to hear the same noises that you hear in movies, it is conceivable to think that a large enough tarantula might make noise while running across a hardwood floor, especially if it decides to hiss at you before it’s all said and done.
If that happens, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to hear anything but your footsteps in retreat after the fact.
In Conclusion
It’s been said before, but it’s worth noting a second time.
Spiders are truly remarkable creatures.
They’re capable of doing things that most people might not necessarily notice.
From spiders that hiss to spiders that purr and chirp, they can make an array of sounds, if only you’re willing to listen.
While it’s not likely that you will hear noises coming from most spiders, it’s not that uncommon with tarantulas and some of the other larger species.
Whether you like spiders or you’re terrified of them, you have to admit that there is a certain amount of fascination behind their ability to make different noises, not to mention the reasons why they do so.