If you are interested in finding out whether coyotes will eat other coyotes throughout their lives then you’ve come to the right article.
As, in this article, I’ll be covering this question for you and after I’ve answered the question then I’ll also cover a few more closely related questions that will hopefully extend your knowledge even more.
I hope you learn a lot from this article!
Will Coyotes Eat Other Coyotes?
Coyotes do eat other coyotes from time to time.
These animals will also eat any carcass that they can find, particularly during winter.
You could attribute this trait to their predatory nature which is scavenging for food from different sources.
However, rabbits have proven to be the most common prey for coyotes.
It is, however, also true that their cannibalistic traits will strengthen if they have no other food source.
Will Coyotes Eat Dead Coyotes?
Coyotes will likely eat dead coyotes.
This happens if the coyote in question is pretty hungry, which will force it to eat anything it finds, including fellow coyotes.
Usually, eating other coyotes provides them with enough protein to keep them strong and healthy.
At the same time, you can expect coyotes to eat fellow coyotes even when alive.
It doesn’t matter whether these coyotes are young or old, they could turn into prey for other stronger coyotes.
Will Coyotes Eat Themselves?
Coyotes cannot eat themselves.
While they boast cannibalistic traits, they cannot eat their body parts.
Perhaps it is because of the pain they will likely expose themselves to in such situations.
These animals will look for different prey from time to time, including various small mammal species.
Notably, coyotes are considered omnivores, meaning they can eat meat and vegetation.
However, they are predominantly categorized as carnivores, thanks to their love for flesh.
Do Coyotes Eat Meat?
Most experts predominantly categorize coyotes as carnivores, thanks to how much they eat and love meat.
Yet, they are typically omnivores, eating anything, from lizards, birds, and snakes to fruits and vegetables.
These animals have a strong affinity for hunting, making them excellent predators.
Their voracious appetite enhances their cannibalism too.
Do Coyotes Eat Where They Kill?
Coyotes have wolf-like features which become noticeable through their eating habits.
These canids will likely kill their prey in one place and eat their prey in another.
They often drag the killed prey away from civilization as well.
In addition, they might want to keep vultures and other scavengers from the meal at hand.
Besides, these animals will likely eat in groups.
So, they don’t necessarily eat where they kill their prey.
What Do Coyotes Eat First?
Coyotes boast unique eating habits, focusing on the abdominal cavity first.
These animals will feast on the tissues and organs within the abdominal cavity before going after the meat of other body parts.
Typically, this habit holds for all the types of prey they can get their teeth in, including dead coyotes.
They also eat the muscle tissue of the animal.
Will a Dead Coyote Scare Coyotes Away?
Death naturally scares animals, including coyotes.
They will notice a dead coyote and get scared but they won’t remain scared for long.
Once they’re over the scare then they often start feeding on the dead coyote’s meat if they’re hungry.

Which Predatory Animals Eat Coyotes?
Various birds and animals feast on coyotes, whether or not the coyote in question is dead.
Notable predatory animals that feed on coyotes include wolves, cougars, bears, and mountain lions.
Black bears, alligators, and other coyotes will also suffice.
In addition, according to the US Department of Agriculture Forest Service, golden eagles target young or weak coyotes.
Humans will also kill coyotes for their fur and population control purposes.
Which Animals Eat Coyotes In The Desert?
Various opportunistic predators will target coyotes in the desert.
These predators will include mountain lions, great-horned owls, and golden eagles will also prey on coyotes in the desert.
Furthermore, coyotes will be scared of fellow coyotes, particularly when there is little food in the region.
Do Coyotes Eat Carcasses?
Multiple sources indicate that coyotes feed on carcasses, including those of fellow coyotes.
These animals have carnivorous traits that allow them to feed on flesh, including from animals they did not kill.
In addition, these animals will willingly cannibalize other coyotes if they need to.
Their goal is to have enough food at their disposal.
Do Coyotes Eat Bison?
Coyotes will readily hunt different mammals, including bison, and prey on them.
Also, whenever they find a dead bison then they will ensure that they eat the bison’s carcass.
However, they will want to hunt in packs whenever they want to attack a live bison.
Do Coyotes Eat Owls?
Coyotes do not naturally hunt owls, as owls are not their primary food source.
Owls are also not easy animals to overpower for a coyote, and, therefore, coyotes will also not seek owls.
However, they will feed on owl meat whenever they get the chance.
Do Coyotes Eat Elk?
Coyotes are opportunistic predators and omnivores which means that they will eat anything.
Therefore, coyotes will prey on elk.
However, they will likely want to hunt in packs which will make it easier for the coyotes to kill the elk.
In addition, these animals are significantly adaptive which means that they’ll eat anything depending on the situation.
Do Coyotes Eat Rabbits?
Rabbits are considered among the best delicacies for coyotes.
These animals have pretty tender meat that has proven a suitable addition to a coyote’s diet.
Besides, coyotes have an easy time hunting rabbits, making them among the most available meals for them.
Do coyotes eat dogs?
If they get the chance then they’ll eat dog meat.
Dog meat, however, isn’t their main food source, and, therefore, you won’t often see coyotes eating dog meat.
Coyotes instead, prefer eating various insect species, rodents, and poultry.

Do Coyotes Eat Prairie Dogs?
Coyotes eat prairie dog meat.
Coyotes are technically omnivores, meaning they will eat meat and vegetation.
Yet, most experts estimate that their meals constitute approximately 92% of meat.
Whenever they get the opportunity to prey on prairie dogs then they will eat them.
Do Coyotes Eat Pronghorns?
Coyotes are considered opportunistic predators that will eat about anything that they can find.
If they, for example, run into pronghorn meat then they’ll surely feed on it.
Do Coyotes Eat Fish?
Coyotes love to eat fish because fish meat comes with great nutrients, and also great tasting experiences for coyotes.
They will, for example, pounce on fish whenever they get near a river.
Besides, a fish can provide coyotes with a full belly quite quickly.
In this article, you’ve learned that coyotes will indeed eat other coyotes if the situation is right for it.
In particular, when other food sources are scarce then you’ll see coyotes going after other smaller coyotes which will be easy for them to overpower.
Also, coyotes will eat the carcasses of other coyotes whenever they run into one.