So you were wondering just like I did if fish are wet or not when they’re underwater. You’ve come to the right article if this is the case as I’ll be answering this question for you and after I’ve given you the answer to this question I’ll also cover a few more closely related questions, so make sure you keep on reading this article till the end.
Are fish wet when they are underwater? Opinions differ about whether something is wet or not when it is submerged in water but generally when a fish is submerged in water it can be said that the fish is wet. Some people will, however, not call an object wet whilst it is underwater.
It is, for example, also unlikely to call yourself wet whilst you’re swimming in the sea, right? And once you leave the sea it is more relevant to call yourself wet because then you can truly see the water drops on your body.
Some people believe fish not to be either wet or dry whilst the fish is underwater as it is their natural habitat. But then again they are submerged in water and therefore it is better to call something wet when there is either water present on an object or living thing or if an object or living thing is submerged in water.
Check out the video below if you want to see a funny video of people arguing about whether fish are wet or not when they’re underwater.
Do fish feel wet when they are underwater?
Although fish are considered to be wet because they’re submerged in water throughout their lifetime, it is very unlikely that they will feel wet when they’re underwater. Fish are covered in a protective slime layer that protects them from becoming saturated with water.
This is also the reason why fish are unable to get shriveled skin and because of their protective slime layer, it is even less likely that they’ll be able to feel wet when they’re underwater.
You already know a lot more about whether fish are wet or not when they’re underwater. But do you also want to find out if fish are waterproof or not? You should then check out the article: “Are Fish Waterproof? (Everything You Need To Know)” which will give you the answer to this question and also answers to a few more closely related questions.
Can fish get wet?
Fish can get wet just like any other animal or object that can come into contact with water. Some people believe fish cannot get wet because they live underwater but this is not true as everything that is covered in water can be seen as being wet.
It can, for example, also happen that fish can dry out which can be said about fish whenever there is no more water present on the body of the fish in question.

Related questions
Is something wet if it’s underwater?
Once an object is completely submerged in water it can be said that the object is wet. Opinions will, however, differ from person to person as some people will say that an object is only wet once the object is out of the water and has water droplets on them.
Why do fish need to stay moist?
Fish need oxygen to survive just like we humans do. The difference between humans and fish is that humans retrieve oxygen by breathing in air and fish retrieve oxygen from water. So, fish need to stay moist or underwater to be able to breathe otherwise they will suffocate.
Is water wet, or is it not wet?
Water on itself is not wet. The only thing water can do is make other objects wet once water is present on the surface of an object or when an object, for example, is drenched in water. There are, however, also people that believe that water on itself is wet as well as it can make something wet.
Now you know that fish are wet whenever they’re underwater. There are, however, people that will have a different opinion about whether fish are wet or not when they’re underwater. People with different opinions will mainly say that they either don’t believe fish can get wet or that fish are in their natural habitat and can therefore not be wet.