So, you are wondering if flies are considered meat. In this article, you’ll find the exact answer to this question and I’ll also answer a few more closely related questions that will improve your knowledge even further. So, keep on reading till the end because you don’t want to miss anything.
Are flies considered meat? All the animals that live on this earth that have muscles can also be referred to as having meat because the meat is mostly the muscle tissue of an animal. The same can be said for flies because they also have muscles located in their bodies.
Even though flies are considered as meat and can bring great opportunities to be a substitute for, for example, cow meat, flies are not heavily consumed across the world because their taste is just not that popular.
Western countries generally find insects to be disgusting and therefore they’re not consumed that much there. There are, however, many countries in Africa that like to consume flies regularly. The people who live in those countries consider insect meat as a great source of protein and many insect-related recipes have made insects taste great.
Are fruit flies considered meat?
Just like all the other fly species, fruit flies also have muscles to move around in the world. Because fruit flies have muscles and meat mainly exists out of muscles it can be said that fruit flies are considered to be meat.
It is, however, very unlikely that we’ll ever eat fruit flies as a delicacy as you’ll need to eat lots of fruit flies to feel at least a bit like you’ve eaten something. But who knows, maybe in the future.
Are horseflies considered meat?
Horseflies are the species of flies that can be aggressive and when bitten by them, the bite can cause a sharp burning sensation. Horseflies do have muscle tissue just like all the other fly species that exist on this earth and therefore they can be considered as meat.
You can be sure though that we won’t start eating horse flies as a delicacy anytime soon as they don’t taste good and as you’ve read above they can bring you an unpleasant experience with their skin tearing mouthparts.
You now know a lot more about which fly species are considered meat. If you’re interested in finding out what fly meat tastes like then I encourage you to check out the following article: “What Do Flies Taste Like? (Everything You Need To Know)” which will explain the taste of flies well to you.
Are house flies considered meat?
House flies are very annoying to have flying in your house because they want to sit on everything. Catching them can be a hassle and this is a hassle because they’ve muscles that allow them to fly fast. Because they have muscles they can be considered meat.
So, when, for example, your cat or dog chases a house fly and then eats them you can be sure that house flies will bring some nutritional benefits to your beloved pet.
Check out the video below if you’re interested in finding out how to get rid of house flies.
Are blue bottle flies considered meat?
The bluebottle fly is a fly species that can be found on many continents including Europe, Africa, and America. Just like, for example, house flies, have blue bottle flies muscles which means that they can be considered as meat.
Although blue bottle flies can be found in different continents around the world, it is still very unlikely that they will become a delicacy anytime soon as they don’t taste great unless you, for example, heavily fry them.

Are blowflies considered meat?
Just like fruit flies do, blowflies have muscle tissue which means that they can be considered meat. Blowflies would be a better option when compared to fruit flies to replace cow meat one day as they are generally larger and therefore have more nutritional benefits.
It is, however, also unlikely that blowfly meat will replace, for example, cow meat soon because most people that live on this earth don’t like eating insects and if you’ve accidentally swallowed one before then you’ll probably dislike the taste of blowflies as well.
Are mosquitoes considered meat?
Even though most people don’t like mosquitoes very much because they can sting you, mosquitos do have muscle tissue which also means that they can be considered as meat and therefore they can be of beneficial nutritional value when eaten.
It can, however, be potentially a bit dangerous to eat mosquitoes because they can carry diseases or they can, for example, carry blood from other animals that you don’t want to have in your body. All in all, though, they can be considered as meat and therefore eating them can be a possibility.
Related questions
What nutritional values do flies have?
Flies have very beneficial nutritional values. They are, for example, packed with calcium, magnesium, and iron which are all values that are essential for a correctly working human body. Flies could therefore also be great cow meat alternatives as they’re easier and cheaper to farm.
Can you get full of eating only flies?
Although flies are generally very tiny insects, it is possible to get full from eating them. You’ll have to eat a lot of them if you want to get full from them which can of course be a challenge because flies are not known to taste that great unless you, for example, fry them and season them.
What attracts flies to rotten meat?
Flies are generally attracted to rotten meat because the odor of rotten meat is far-reaching and can’t be left unnoticed. Besides this fact, it is also just a great opportunity for flies as rotten meat provides a fast meal for them that will be harder to find elsewhere.
Now you know that fly meat can be considered meat because flies have many muscles in their bodies and meat mainly consists of muscle tissue. There are, however, not that many countries in the world that enjoy consuming fly meat but when looking at their nutritional contents fly meat could be a great substitute for the regular cow meat we enjoy so much.