If you’re interested in finding out whether frogs are considered to be omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores then you’ve come to the right article as I’ll be answering this question for you.
Make sure you keep on reading this article till the end though as I’ll also give answers to a few more closely related questions after I’ve given you the answer to the main question.
Are frogs omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores? Most frogs will either be omnivores or herbivores when they’re still tadpoles because being an omnivore or herbivore increases their survival rate. Whenever they become adults, they’ll most of the time become carnivores as they’ll only eat meat then. Herbivorous adult frog species also exist.
The diet of frogs mainly consists of flies and moths, and they also love to eat worms, slugs, and snails whenever they happen to pop up around them.
Are pickerel frogs omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores?
Whenever pickerel frogs are still considered tadpoles then they’ll have a herbivorous diet because they’ll only eat plant-based foods. Whenever they become adults then they’ll become carnivores and they’ll not become omnivores throughout their lives.
Pickerel frogs mainly get their nutrients from spiders, small invertebrates, and various insect species. As tadpoles, they’ll mainly eat plant matter and algae.
Are bullfrogs omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores?
You can expect bullfrogs to be omnivorous whenever they’re still tadpoles and once they grow older and become adults then you can expect them to become carnivores. Throughout their lives, they won’t become herbivorous.
Bullfrogs love to eat various types of foods, like, for example, algae, plant materials, various invertebrate species, and they’ll also eat other tadpole species.
Are tomato frogs omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores?
Whenever tomato frogs are still tadpoles then you can expect them to be herbivorous as they’ll only eat plant-based foods. Once they grow older then they become carnivores as they’ll then only eat meat-based foods. They won’t become herbivores throughout their lives.
Many people mistake tomato frogs for herbivorous frogs because of their name but you can be sure that they’ll become carnivores once they grow older.
Are green tree frogs omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores?
You can expect green tree frog tadpoles to be herbivores and once they grow older then you can expect them to become carnivorous as their diet will then consist of meat-based foods. They’ll not become omnivores during their lifetime.
When they become adults then they’ll love to eat crickets as their main food source and besides crickets, a lot of other insect species will fulfill their hunger.
Are water frogs omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores?
When water frogs are still tadpoles then you can expect these frogs to still be herbivores. Once they grow older then they’ll evolve to becoming carnivorous as they’ll switch from eating plant-based foods to eating meat-based foods. They won’t become omnivores.
As adults, they’ll start eating brine shrimp, bloodworms, krill and they’ll also start eating some small fish species.
Are poison dart frogs omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores?
Whilst poison dart frogs are still tadpoles then you can expect these frogs to be omnivores as they like to eat both meat-based and plant-based foods. Once they become adults though then they’ll become carnivores and through their lives, they won’t become herbivores.
Poison dart frogs love to eat ants, flies, and termites throughout their lives and as tadpoles, their main diet will consist of algae and insect larvae.

Are blue poison dart frogs omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores?
When blue poison dart frogs are still tadpoles then you can expect these animals to be omnivorous as their diet will consist of both meat-based and plant-based foods. Once they grow older then they’ll become carnivores. Throughout their lives, they won’t become herbivores.
Throughout their lives, they like to feed on various fly species, various ant species, and they’ll also hunt down a lot of other insect species.
You already know a lot more about whether frogs are considered omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores. But do you also want to find out if frogs are either producers or consumers in the food chain? If this is the case then you should check out the article: “Is A Frog A Producer Or A Consumer? (Explained In-Depth)” which will provide you with the answer to this question and it will also give answers to closely related questions.
Are striped rocket frogs omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores?
Whenever striped rocket frogs become adults then you can be sure that their diet will consist of only meat-based foods and therefore striped rocket frogs will become carnivores whenever they grow older. In about one month after birth, they’ll become adults.
You can expect striped rocket frogs to eat various spider species, moth species, and worm species throughout their lives and they also love to eat insect larvae.
Are glass frogs omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores?
As adults, glass frogs are carnivores because they’ll only eat meat-based foods. Throughout their adult life, they’ll eat various spider species, various fly species, and they also enjoy eating small insects, like, for example, crickets.
If they are very hungry then you can even expect glass frogs to start eating other smaller frog species.
Are wood frogs omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores?
Whenever wood frogs are still tadpoles then you can expect them to be omnivores because they’ll eat both meat-based and plant-based foods. Once they become adults then you can expect them to become carnivores. They’ll never become herbivores throughout their lives.
Their diet exists out of larvae and eggs of amphibians, and you can expect them to also be hunting for various small invertebrates that sit and roam around on the forest floor.
Are pacific tree frogs omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores?
Whenever pacific tree frogs are still tadpoles then you can expect them to be herbivorous but once they become adults then they’ll become carnivores. As tadpoles, they won’t be eating any meat-based foods and therefore they won’t become omnivorous.
Whilst they’re still tadpoles then you can expect to find them eating various types of algae, like, for example, filamentous algae.
Are all frogs omnivores?
Whenever frogs are still tadpoles then you can be sure that they will be omnivorous because their diet will be based on both plant-based and meat-based foods. Once they become adult frogs then you can expect them to become carnivorous. Herbivorous frog species, however, also exist.
You can expect the frog species that are herbivores as adults to also be herbivores when they’re still tadpoles.
Why do certain frog species go from being omnivorous to being carnivorous?
This probably happens because when frogs are still tadpoles then they have a harder time surviving when they’re carnivorous. Carnivores will have to correctly hunt for their food whilst omnivorous animals can just search for plant-based foods when no meat-based foods can be found.
Although plant-based foods can sometimes be hard to find as well, the frog can at least be sure that the plant-based food in question won’t just flee from the frog whenever the frog finds the food.

Related questions
What do frogs eat?
Frogs love to eat various types of foods. They, for example, love to eat various snail species, various worm species, and various slug species. When it comes to young tadpoles then you can expect these animals to feed mainly on algae.
If you rather watch a video about what frogs eat then you should check out the video below.
What do frogs eat when they’re carnivores?
Whenever frogs grow into adults and therefore switch to being carnivorous then you can expect frogs to start eating various snail species, various slug species, and also a wide variety of worm species.
Are frogs cannibals?
You can be sure that pretty much every frog species that are out there will jump to cannibalism whenever the situation asks for it. Like, for example, when there isn’t any other food around for them to survive on. Every animal will do everything it can to survive.
Now you know that frogs are considered carnivores when they’re adults because they’ll only eat meat-based foods when they’re adults.
When they’re still tadpoles though then you can expect them to be omnivores which increases their survival rate by a lot. There are also certain frog species out there that are herbivores.