Spiders that have unique colors are often memorable for their appearance, but they can also be a bit frightening.
In the insect world and also with arachnids, the presence of bright colors often means that there’s some potential danger to the animal.
Therefore, seeing a spider with red legs might send alarm bells going off in your head.
Are spiders with red legs poisonous? And if so, what kind of venom do they carry?
What species are they?
Why are their legs red and is this quality unique to a specific species?
In this article, you’ll find the exact answers to these questions.
Let’s hop right in.
Are Spiders With Red Legs Poisonous?
Even though bright colors usually mean that you need to proceed with caution, red-legged spiders are not typically a danger to human beings.
This quality is unique to a specific species and while the species is considered venomous, the venom is hardly ever threatening to the well-being of a human being.
You would have to be extremely sensitive to their bites for them to cause any problems.
To be more exact, you would probably have to have an allergic reaction to the bite before it could potentially pose any harm to you whatsoever.
Furthermore, these spider species tend to stay away from people as opposed to crossing paths with them, so running into red-legged spiders isn’t a daily occurrence.
How Venomous Are Black Spiders With Red Legs?
Black spiders with red legs are venomous, as already discussed. However, they don’t typically bite people.
They prefer to simply be left alone.
These spiders typically make a web and then stay in that same spot, waiting for prey to come to them.
They hardly ever leave the web unless they are mating.
Which makes it highly unlikely that a spider of this type would come into contact with a human being to bite them in the first place.
However, even if you are bitten by this type of spider, you probably don’t have anything to worry about.
As already mentioned, the only way you’re likely to have any type of reaction to the bite whatsoever is if you’re allergic.
While there are a small number of people that may experience such reactions, it’s highly uncommon.
If you can’t get enough of learning about spiders then I encourage you to check out the “Spiders Category Page” which consists of various articles that give answers to spider-related questions.
What Spiders Species Have Red Legs?
Although there are a bunch of spider species out there that can potentially grow up with some red colors in their legs, like, for example, the Jumping Spider, there is a particular species of spider that is always born with red legs which are called “Sphodros Rufipes“.
It’s not a spider species that is as well-known as some other spider species though.
It can’t even be found in all locations throughout the United States.
It mainly inhabits the southern part of the country, although its geographic area seems to be increasing constantly.
More recently, it’s been found in Massachusetts and New Jersey.
There have even been two spiders of these species found in Kansas, a state where the spider was previously believed to be nonexistent.
Even more recently, a few of them started showing up in Canada, something that surprised researchers.
Since the spider had only been found in the southern portion of the United States, many believed that it preferred warmer temperatures.
Typically, spiders prefer colder temperatures as a whole but this one seems to exhibit some rather unique qualities.
As scientists did more research, they began to discover that the spider can adapt quite well to different types of climates, depending on its location.

Is The Sphodros Rufipes Spider Poisonous?
It’s already been discussed, but it’s important to be clear on things such as potentially poisonous spiders.
Technically, this spider is poisonous and it looks the part.
Its black body and red legs make it look scary, especially when you consider the fact that the body itself is relatively large and stocky.
To be honest, the spider looks like it could win virtually any cage fight and it can be intimidating if you run into one.
Despite its intimidating looks and the fact that it does possess venom, it doesn’t tend to be aggressive and is far more likely to run away than it is to bite.
Even if it does bite, it’s not very likely that you will have any type of reaction from the bite itself.
It may not feel great when it happens, but you’re not likely to experience a medical emergency as a direct result of the bite.
Do Spiders Have Blood in Their Legs?
Interestingly enough, spiders don’t have traditional blood.
They certainly do have a circulatory system and they have fluid in their legs, as well as in the rest of their bodies, but it isn’t blood as we humans have.
Instead, it’s called hemolymph and it serves as the hydraulic system for all spiders.
As opposed to the traditional circulatory system found in most mammals which is a system that uses a heart and a system of arteries and cavities to pump blood directly into the body.
Spiders instead have an open system that allows the fluid that’s in their bodies to reach any part of the body that needs it very quickly, thereby allowing the spider to build up a great deal of pressure in its legs when needed.
This can propel a spider very quickly and it allows them to utilize their circulatory system to their advantage.
What Kind of Spiders Are Red?
The only spider that is completely red is the red house spider, hence its name.
It tends to congregate in cooler areas of the home that aren’t routinely disturbed, such as the upper portions of door frames.
It is poisonous, but it doesn’t tend to be aggressive unless you disturb its web.
It will bite if the web is disturbed, but the venom is usually harmless to human beings, although quite painful.
There are a lot of other spider species out there that come with red colors. Check out the video below if you want to find out which tarantula species contain the color red.
In Conclusion
As you can see, spiders come in all types of colors and sizes.
The most important thing to remember here is that bright colors don’t always mean deadly venom, at least when it comes to arachnids.
They get your attention and they can instill both wonder and fear, but it doesn’t mean that they’re more dangerous than any other type of spider.