We know that a lot of animals can show us friendly traits. But what about tigers, can they be friendly as well? If you’re interested in finding out the answer to this question then you’ve come to the right place as, in this article, I’ll give you the exact answer to this question, and I’ll also give answers to closely related questions after I’ve answered the main question, so make sure you keep on reading this article till the end.
Are tigers friendly animals? Tigers can just like other animals show friendly traits whenever the tiger trusts someone but even though they can show friendly traits, you should not expect tigers to always act friendly because, in the end, they are animals that will act on their instincts.
There are, for example, also a lot of stories to find online about tigers lashing out at their trainers or carers whenever they decide to act on their instincts which from time to time results in the trainer or carer dying, so it is a best practice to never assume that a tiger is going to be friendly towards you.
Are white tigers friendly animals?
You can expect white tigers to show friendly traits as well. But as is the case for every tiger species, white tigers can also lash out whenever their instincts tell them to do so. So, always expect white tigers to be unfriendly to not get in any unexpected situations.
Even if white tigers are raised by people from the moment they’re born can it still easily happen that once they’ve matured that they’ll lash out depending on their mood.
What are signs that give away that the tiger is friendly?
There are a lot of different signs that give away that the tiger in question is friendly towards you. Examples of these signs are:
- When they sleep in your presence.
- When they keep their mouth shut.
- When you can tell by their ears that they’re not in the need to hear out for danger.
- Laying or sitting in a vulnerable position.
- When the tiger closes its eyes in your presence.
- When the tiger starts to lick you.
- When the tiger makes a growling sound that sounds like deep purring.
- When the tiger isn’t protecting its weak spots, like, for example, its belly.
- When the tiger is bowing its head and is looking at the ground.
- When the tiger lets you touch or pet him/her.
- Whenever the tiger yawns.
- Whenever the tiger turns its back on you whilst knowing that you’re there.
- Whenever the tiger turns into another direction whilst knowing you’re there.
Even though there are a lot of signs that give away that a tiger is going to be friendly towards you, it is still a best practice to always expect a tiger to be unfriendly because tigers can at times be quite unpredictable which can result in situations where you don’t want to find yourself in.
What sounds do friendly tigers make?
Friendly tigers produce different sounds depending on the mood that they’re in or depending on what they’re doing in the current moment. Examples of sounds that they make are a moaning sound, a chuffing sound that sounds like a soft “brrr” sound, and a growling sound that sounds like deep purring.
It’s great to know what sounds to look out for when running into a tiger because by knowing the friendly sounds you’ll be able to get a grasp on the situation a lot quicker.

Are tigers friendly towards humans?
You can generally expect to run into unfriendly tigers whenever they’re wild tigers or whenever they’re not familiar with you and don’t trust you. If you, however, have raised them from when they were young then tigers will likely act more friendly towards you.
Also, it’s important to remember that they are mainly not after our meat as we are not their favorite food source. You can, however, be sure that they will go after you if you happen to enter their territory without their consent.
If you can’t get enough of learning about tigers then I encourage you to check out the “Tigers Category Page” which consists of various articles that give answers to tiger-related questions.
Can you train a tiger to be friendly?
Although tigers can indeed be trained to be friendly, it is by no means possible to train a tiger to always be friendly. This is the case because tigers will always keep their predatory responses which can result in the tiger acting aggressively.
So, it is surely possible to train tigers to be more friendly but, in the end, tigers will act on their instincts and if their instincts tell them to attack then they will do just that.
Are tigers friendlier than lions?
Generally, you can expect lions to be a bit more social, and less aggressive than tigers, and tigers to be more solitary. Tigers are the ones that mainly hunt and therefore they are also stronger than lions even though it looks like that this is not the case.
Also, tigers are generally more aggressive than lions whilst lions are generally lazier. All in all, though, you shouldn’t expect lions to always be friendlier than tigers either because lions will also lash out aggressively from time to time.
What does a friendly tiger dream mean?
It can have different meanings when friendly tigers appear in your dreams. It can mean that you need to take a bit more time off from work, that you need more compassion in your life, that you need to open up about your feelings, or that you have a strong desire to be the best you can be.
Besides these meanings, these dreams can also mean that you’re a person with strong determination and that you should follow your dreams and intuitions just like a friendly tiger would.

Related questions
Can tigers bond with animals?
Even though I thought that this was impossible, there are tigers out there that have bonded with other animals. It is, for example, possible for a tiger to bond with a goat. If you’re interested in finding out everything about this story then you should check out this article.
Are tigers loyal to their owners?
Even though it is possible to train tigers from when they’re born to be loyal to their owners, it is impossible to know for sure if tigers will always stay loyal towards their owners as every tiger will still act on its instincts and these instincts can sometimes be the opposite of being loyal.
Can a tiger be a pet?
Although tigers do look like sweet animals that you would want to play with every day and hug every day, tigers are not animals that should be kept as pets because they can be very unpredictable at times even if they know you and trust you very much.
So keeping a tiger as a pet isn’t a great idea but in the video below you’ll see that humans and tigers can live peacefully together.
Now you know that tigers can just like all the other animals that live on this earth show friendly traits whenever the tiger in question trusts you or is familiar with you. But, in the end, it wouldn’t be smart to assume that every tiger is going to be friendly and always stay friendly towards you as every tiger acts on its instincts. One day their instincts will tell them to search for affection with you and the other day their instincts will tell them to demand respect from you by lashing out.