If you are interested in finding out whether fish can eat meat then you’ve come to the right article as you’ll find the answer to this question right here.
Also, after you’ve read the answer to the main question then I’ll also answer a few more closely related questions to extend your knowledge even more.
I hope you, therefore, learn a lot from this article!
Can fish eat meat?
Many species of both freshwater and saltwater fish eat meat.
While the majority of fish are omnivores, meaning that they eat both meat and vegetable matter, others are strictly carnivorous, which means they subsist solely or, at least, ideally on other animals.
The most common animals eaten by fish are bugs, crustaceans, worms, and other fish.
Some species, such as sharks, will eat mammals and birds.
It is worth noting that in the culinary industry, the term “meat” is used only to refer to the flesh or muscle of mammals, so fish and poultry are not considered meat.
However, in the broader sense of the term, “meat” refers to any animal flesh.
Check out the video below if you want to see sharks eating meat.
Can fish eat raw meat?
Both carnivorous and omnivorous fish can eat raw meat, where “meat” is understood in the broadest sense, meaning any animal flesh.
In the wild, all meat consumed by such fish is raw.
After all, fish can’t cook!
Those fish that are carnivorous require animal protein to survive, and they will become unhealthy and likely die if they are unable to eat meat.
The prepared flakes available in pet stores for aquarium fish often include both vegetable matter and animal protein.
Can fish eat red meat?
The vast majority of both omnivorous and carnivorous fish either do not eat red meat or are incapable of properly digesting it.
However, some species of fish can eat red meat and will do so when it is available.
Various shark species, for example, are saltwater omnivores and will eat just about anything, including red meat.
Among freshwater fish, piranhas, which are also omnivores, can eat and digest red meat, however, the fur of mammals can cause them to choke or experience indigestion.
Can fish eat chicken?
Many omnivorous and carnivorous fish can eat chicken, either cooked or in raw form, though only the largest and most aggressive fish would be capable of attacking, killing, and eating a live chicken if it happened to be available.
Fish that are kept in aquariums are sometimes fed chicken to supplement the other elements of their diet or as a special treat.
You can, for example, be sure that various shark species would love to eat the meat of chickens and also betta fish would enjoy eating chicken meat.
Can fish eat beef?
Some omnivorous and carnivorous fish can eat beef or other red meat since they are not picky when it comes to their food source.
However, many fish, even those that are carnivorous, are incapable of properly digesting it.
Of course, there are very few fish, aside from perhaps sharks, that would be able to successfully attack and eat a bovine.
Will fish eat cooked steak?
Certain omnivorous and carnivorous fish, such as sharks, will eat almost anything, including cooked steak.
While many species of carnivorous fish are incapable of digesting red meat, some can.
However, even among those that can do so, red meat can’t constitute the majority of their diet as they require additional nutrients that can’t be found in red meat.

Can betta fish eat meat?
Betta fish are carnivorous and will eat many kinds of meat.
They require the protein contained in meat to stay healthy.
While they are strictly carnivorous when found in the wild, when bettas are kept in tanks and not supplied with meat, they will eat vegetation in an attempt to stay alive.
If provided only with vegetable matter, they will eventually die.
Can Oscar fish eat meat?
Oscars are a type of cichlid, and they are sometimes referred to as tiger Oscars or either velvet or marble cichlids.
Like the vast majority of cichlids, Oscars are omnivores, meaning they can eat both vegetation and meat.
They require both to maintain proper health.
Can koi fish eat meat?
Koi, or Nishikigoi, are a type of carp, and they are omnivores.
They eat a wide variety of both vegetable matter and meat, including bugs, crustaceans, and other fish.
Although they are not aggressive and predatory, koi can be fed sardines, shrimp, and other types of small aquatic animals as a special treat.
So, koi fish do eat meat.
Can goldfish eat meat?
Like koi, goldfish are a type of carp.
While they are native to Asia, they are commonly kept as aquarium fish.
Goldfish are not picky when it comes to what they eat.
As omnivores, they can eat both plants and meat, and a healthy diet will include both.
The flakes that are most commonly fed to aquarium goldfish include both vegetable matter and fish meat.
Can piranha fish eat meat?
Piranhas can and do eat meat.
While they are often thought of as carnivorous, they are omnivores and most will forage for plant matter.
Some piranhas eat primarily vegetation: their diet principally consists of vegetation and seeds.
When piranhas come across a shoal or a large school of fish, they will become aggressive and predatory, using their sharp teeth to attack and eat the other fish.
Piranhas will even eat their species from time to time.
Check out the video below if you want to see this happen.
What fish eat meat?
There are many species of both freshwater and saltwater fish that are either carnivores subsisting only on meat or omnivores eating both meat and vegetation.
Common and well-known species include sharks, piranhas, koi, betta, sea bass, and goldfish.
Others include pipefish, killifish, Oscar cichlids, and Arowana.
Are there carnivorous fish?
There are many species of carnivorous fish, such as Arowana fish and various cichlids.
While many people think of piranhas as carnivorous, they are omnivorous.
Some common aquarium species, such as bettas are carnivorous, and others, such as goldfish, are omnivorous.
The vast majority of fish will eat a variety of other animals, such as worms, bugs, crustaceans, and other fish.

Can fish eat meat during pregnancy?
All carnivorous fish subsist on meat, even during pregnancy.
Pregnant omnivorous fish will also continue eating a variety of other animals, such as worms, bugs, crustaceans, and other fish species.
What kind of meat do fish like?
The precise type of meat that carnivorous and omnivorous fish eat varies, depending on the species.
Many freshwater species are omnivores, which is why anglers use bugs, worms, and minnows to catch fish.
Many saltwater carnivores and omnivores chiefly eat crustaceans and other fish.
However, sharks are omnivores and will eat just about anything, and they often prey on seals and consume their meat.
In this article, you’ve learned that various fish species can indeed eat meat.
This is the case because there are both carnivorous fish species out there that solely survive on meat and there are also various omnivorous fish species out there that will eat both plant-based and meat-based foods.
You’ve also read that carnivorous and omnivorous fish species all love to eat bugs, crustaceans, other fish species, and worms.