So you are interested in finding out if fish can starve to death. If this is the case then you’ve come to the right article as I’ll be answering this question for you. Make sure you keep on reading this article till the end as well as I’ll answer a few more closely related questions after giving you the answer to the main question.
Can fish starve to death? You can be sure that fish will starve to death whenever their food supply is cut off. Fish are animals and every animal on this earth will need to eat to survive. Therefore, you must keep to a feeding schedule when you have fish or any other pet because then you’re certain that starvation won’t occur.
How fast a fish would starve is dependent on the condition of the fish and also on their age. If they’re, for example, still tiny fish then you can be sure that they won’t survive for too long. Adult fish, however, can survive for a decent amount of days.
Can my parrot fish starve to death?
Parrotfish can just like all the other fish species starve to death as they’re reliant on food to survive. So, it is very important for your parrotfish that you keep a close eye on how much and how often you feed your parrotfish.
Parrotfish love to eat algae off coral reefs, enjoy eating alive or frozen shrimp, and are also a big fan of blood worms.
Can my goldfish starve to death?
Goldfish are a very popular fish species to keep as pets. They’re animals and therefore they can starve to death just like all the other animals that exist in this world. It is, in the end, up to you to give your goldfish enough food, so that they won’t starve.
Goldfish love a variety of foods. They, for example, love to eat algae and aquatic plants. They also love small insects, various small shellfish, and from time to time they will even eat small fish.
Can my betta fish starve to death?
Betta fish are awesome-looking fish species that are very popular to keep as pets. They will just like all the other fish species starve to death when they aren’t given enough food. Fully-grown betta fish will survive longer than young betta fish when they’re underfed.
The foods that they love the most consist of insects and insect larvae. Apart from these two food sources, they also love to eat bloodworms.
Can koi fish starve to death?
Koi fish can just like all the other fish that exist in this world starve to death when they’re underfed. Therefore, you need to feed your koi fish regularly as they’re pretty much dependent on you if you keep them as pets.
Koi fish love to eat various foods like insects, worms, and seeds, so it is quite easy to sustain your koi fish as their diet consists of many different foods.
What are the symptoms of starving fish?
Fish like parrotfish, goldfish, betta fish and koi fish that are starving will show various symptoms. Examples of these symptoms are:
- That starving fish will swim in areas where they normally don’t go to search for food.
- That starving fish will be thinner than normally fed fish.
- That starving fish will be more aggressive as, for example, being aggressive towards given food will ensure them to get the food first if they have competition in their fish tank.
- That starving fish will quickly eat up all the food that gets dropped in the fish tank.
- That starving fish will show sluggish or slow behavior.
- That starving fish might attack other fish that are in the fish tank.
There are most likely many more signs that can give away that a fish is starving but above at least a few have been mentioned to give you a good idea of what signs might be noticed.
Can fish starve themselves to death?
Although it is unlikely that fish like, for example, betta fish will starve themselves to death, it could very well happen. If the fish, for example, happens to be in a bad condition and is close to dying anyway then it can happen that the fish will stop eating.
Overall, though, it is unlikely that fish will without any reason suddenly stop eating as every animal loves to eat and so do fish.

In what ways can you prevent fish from starving?
The best way you can prevent your fish from starving is, of course, by making sure that you feed your fish often and consistently. The best thing you can do is stick to a feeding schedule so that you won’t forget to feed your fish regularly.
Another product that is nice to use to not forget to feed your fish, is by using an automatic feeder which automatically feeds your fish at set times.
If you can’t get enough of learning about fish then I encourage you to check out the “Fish Category Page” which consists of various articles that give answers to fish-related questions.
How long can a fish survive without eating?
If fish are healthy and have fat reserves then you can be sure that fish can survive for at least three days to a full week. Some fish species can even survive for up to two weeks without eating but they’ll have to be fully grown and in a very healthy condition as well.
It is, however, just a best practice to not go and test this with your pet fish as it isn’t a great experience for your fish to starve.
Are there situations possible where it might seem that my fish are starving but aren’t?
Various signs might seem like fish are starving but that instead could mean something else as well. Examples could, for example, be that:
- Your fish start swimming in areas that they normally don’t visit because they’re just curious and want to find some new spots to explore.
- Your fish suddenly have become smaller because they’re sick.
- Your fish suddenly start being sluggish or slow because they’re tired.
- Your fish might suddenly attack other fish in the tank because of their instincts.
Of course, there are many more signs that might seem like fish are starving but instead mean something else. Above, though I’ve given you at least a few examples to give you a good idea.
Should you starve fish once a week?
There are fish keepers out there that believe that starving your fish for about two days a week is good for their digestive system because this would clear their digestive system. Also in humans, this can be good and therefore it might also be good for the health of your fish.
All in all, though, you mustn’t starve your fish for too long as starvation can lead to death, and that’s not what you want to achieve with this fasting technique.
Is it ok to starve your fish to avoid routine tank maintenance?
The answer to this question is quite clear as it is not okay to starve your fish because you don’t like to routinely do the maintenance of your fish tank. When you decide to want to have fish as pets then it is your responsibility to make sure that your fish are well-fed and are overall happy.
You wouldn’t, for example, not give your kid any food either because you don’t want to change their diaper, right? It’s once again your responsibility and not the responsibility of the child.
Check out the video below if you want to find out how to clean your fish tank properly.
Can I feed my fish once a day?
Feeding your fish once a day is a nice schedule to hold yourself to. As long as you feed your fish enough then it doesn’t matter if you either feed your fish once or twice a day. Feeding your fish too little amounts of food can result in your fish going into starvation mode.
Most owners, however, prefer to feed their fish twice per day as their hunger will then be dimmed better throughout their day which results in happier fish.
What happens if you don’t feed fish for one day?
Generally not much will happen when you don’t feed your fish for one day. Most fish will have fat reserves that enable them to go without food for several days in a row. Also, if there are plants located in the fish tank then fish will start to eat various bugs that can be found in these plants.
If fish, however, are very fragile, haven’t eaten much food recently, are thin, and are in a bad condition then fish can die if they aren’t fed for one day.
Can fish not eat for 3 days?
Adult fish can survive without food for several days in a row and therefore it is also likely that adult fish will survive if they happen to go 3 days without food. Younger fish, however, need to be fed at least every 2 days which could mean that young fish might die if they go 3 days without food.
Young fish cannot survive for too many days in a row because they haven’t built up any fat reserves that adult fish normally have built up.

Can fish survive 5 days without food?
It is dependent on how old the fish are and also on which species of fish you’re keeping. Generally, you can expect young fish to not survive it when they go 5 days without food because they don’t have any fat reserves. Older fish, however, will likely survive going 5 days without food.
There are even fish species out there that can last up to two weeks without eating any food, however, you can also be sure that these fish will also have to be adult fish with fat reserves to survive for about two weeks in a row.
Related questions
Should I feed my fish on the first day?
Because the fish are new to their environment, it is best to not feed your fish for the first 24 hours, so that they can first get used to their new environment. Once you start to feed your fish, however, you should make sure that you only feed your fish tiny amounts to get them used to be fed.
How do you know if fish are hungry?
Various signs will give away that your fish are hungry. Examples of these signs are:
- When your fish are searching for food.
- When your fish suddenly start being more aggressive.
- When your fish start to fluctuate in weight and size.
- When you encounter your fish showing slow and sluggish behavior.
- When your fish are waiting for food at the top of the aquarium.
Can fish suffocate from a deficiency of oxygen?
Fish need oxygen to survive just like many other animals that live on this earth. Therefore they can suffocate from a deficiency of oxygen. When compared to humans, fish retrieve oxygen out of the water with the help of their gills whilst humans retrieve oxygen out of the air.
Check out the video below if you want to find out how you can easily add oxygen into your fishing tank.
Now you know that fish can starve to death just like any other animal that lives on this earth. Therefore, it is of high importance that you establish a feeding schedule for your fish, so that you won’t be able to forget to feed your fish.