So you were wondering just like me if pet ball pythons can be put outside? You’ve come to the right place to find the answer as I’ll give you my researched answer and after I’ve given you the answer, I’ll also answer closely related questions so make sure you keep on reading.
Can I let my pet ball python play outside? It isn’t illegal to put your pet ball python outside in, for example, your backyard but it’s important to keep in mind that snakes can’t survive in all temperatures and that they have natural enemies outside, so always keep a close eye on your pet ball python if you do.
What are the risks of taking my ball python outside?
There are many different risks you would be exposing your pet ball python to if you put it outside. Examples of risks are too low or too high temperatures, the snake running into common enemies, or the snake escaping (which can result in forever losing the snake as it can crawl to wherever it wants to).
If you’d ask me I would probably not take those risks as bringing your ball python outside doesn’t seem to have many benefits. I get it though, it’s quite a nice feeling to give your pet ball python new exploring opportunities.
Is it safe to let my pet ball python outside?
It can be safe for your pet ball python to be put outside but you’ll have to make sure then that the outside temperature is where it needs to be, that you stay close to your ball python to prevent any attacks from common enemies, and that it won’t have opportunities to escape.
Now, you should keep in mind though that snakes are great escape artists. It might even be that you’re seeing a hole where you’re certain the snake won’t be able to pop through and before you know it, it has escaped. So, make sure that you know for sure that your pet snake cannot escape.

What temperature does it have to be to let my ball python outside?
The perfect temperature for a ball python will fall between 25.6 Celsius and 26.7 Celsius but the temperature doesn’t have to fall between these two numbers to be able to put your ball python outside. Don’t let the temperature come close to 18.3 Celsius on the low end or 35 Celsius on the high end.
Also, always keep a close eye on the outside temperature once your pet ball python is crawling around outside. This prevents you from getting unpleasant surprises if, for example, the temperature outside suddenly got hotter than you were expecting.
What can I do to prevent my ball python from escaping outside?
Before you put your ball python on the grass in your backyard, you should check if there are any ways the snake can escape and then block these spots off. Once you’ve put the snake on the grass you simply stay close to the snake and pick him/her up once you feel that you need to.
It is key that you keep a close eye on your pet ball python throughout its crawling session outside as it’ll be the best option that the snake has to not get lost or hurt.
If you can’t get enough of learning about snakes then I encourage you to check out the “Snakes Category Page” which consists of various articles that give answers to snake-related questions.
Can I put my ball python in the grass?
You can put your ball python in the grass. You should, however, always keep a close eye on your pet snake as holes in the ground can sometimes even be possible escaping routes and you also don’t want to get any surprises from the ball python’s common enemies when you’re not looking.
I gotta say though that it looks very cool when I see ball pythons posing in the grass on Google images.
Check the video below if you want to see ball pythons chill out in the grass.
Can I feed my ball python outside?
I’d recommend you to not feed your pet ball python whilst it is outside. Once your pet ball python has fed on something, it would then like to digest the meal and doesn’t like to be touched whilst it’s digesting. Let them just feed in their enclosure where they can comfortably hide.
Also, the snake can potentially become more stressed outside because of certain circumstances where it is unfamiliar with which can result in the snake then vomiting up its just eaten food. It does this because once it has fed on something it becomes harder for the snake to defend itself (because of the prey being in its stomach).
Can you keep a pet ball python outside?
It can be possible to keep your ball python outside but I would highly advise you against it. Ball pythons need certain temperatures and humidity levels to keep the snake’s overall health where it needs to be and outside you won’t be able to regulate this as well when compared to inside.
Now, it could be done of course if you set everything up perfectly like, for example, when you’re making sure your ball python is safe and secure within its outside enclosure and that the desired temperatures for the snake are on point (and can be regulated by you).
How long can ball pythons be out of their enclosure?
In general, it is advised to not handle your ball python more than once each day and you shouldn’t handle your pet ball python longer than 20 minutes either each day. I would recommend you to handle your ball python each day though so that it will stay tame.
In general, snakes don’t like to be handled a lot because they’re generally not social creatures. As a human being, I would advise you to respect their needs and put them back into their enclosure if you get the feeling that the snake in question is not up for it.
Can you take your snake out in public?
It isn’t illegal to take your pet snake out in public but you shouldn’t take the snake out to crowded spots as this will both be unpleasant for the snake and for the people that are there. If you still want to do it then always keep a hold on your pet snake and don’t bring any venomous snakes.
Some people won’t mind it that you’re bringing a snake with you but you can be sure that there will also be people that will dislike it just because they don’t have any experiences with snakes or only have bad experiences. Also, your pet snake might get scared or aggressive because any new person can potentially be an enemy for the snake. In general, I would recommend just like I said before to stay away from crowded spots, and besides this to also pay attention to how your snake reacts once you’ve arrived at the public spot. Bring it straight back home if you sense that the snake is not having it.

Related questions
Can snakes get mites from grass?
Snakes cannot get mites from the grass. The only way that snakes can get mites is when they happen to get in contact with other reptiles that have mites or if you have been, for example, holding a reptile that has mites and when you then hold your pet snake.
What temperature will kill a ball python?
Once temperatures get to 18.3 Celsius or lower or to 35 Celsius or higher then the ball python will start getting into trouble. When temperatures, for example, get too low then the movements of ball python will slow down and diseases and sicknesses will start showing up.
Can I let my ball python roam around my room?
You can let your ball python roam around your room but I’d recommend you to choose a room that is suitable, meaning that the snake won’t be able to hurt itself or that you will be able to find it back if you happen to lose it out of sight.
Now you know that ball pythons can indeed be put outside but that there are certain aspects you have to think about to make sure your pet ball python will be safe. The first important thing is the outside temperature. If the temperature is 18.3 Celsius or lower then the temperature would be too cold for the snake, and to put it outside then is not advised. Also, a high temperature that is 35 Celsius or higher will be a no-go for putting your pet ball python outside as these kinds of temperatures can be lethal to ball pythons too.
Besides the temperature, there will also be common enemies outside for ball pythons like various bird species which will happily take it as a quick afternoon meal so make sure you keep a close eye on your ball python once it is crawling in, for example, your backyard. And it can also happen that your pet ball python escapes if you haven’t closed off all the escaping probabilities so once again make sure your eyes are on the snake the entire time and be certain that no escapes can take place.