If you are interested in finding out whether rocks can be eaten by humans then you’ve come to the right article.
As, in this article, you’ll find the exact answer to this question, and also after you’ve read the answer to the main question then I’ll also cover the answers to a few more closely related questions to extend your knowledge even more.
I hope you learn a lot from this article!
Can you eat a rock?
You cannot safely eat a rock.
Rocks are solid, composite lumps made up of a variety of minerals.
Although human beings require certain trace minerals in their diet, the size, shape, and composition of rocks make them indigestible.
Even rocks that are mostly or exclusively composed of digestible minerals, such as salt, cannot be eaten until they are ground up or processed into finer particles.
Can you eat lava rocks?
Lava rock, which is often used in landscaping, is often lightweight since it contains large air pockets.
Nevertheless, the volcanic material in which these air pockets are trapped is very solid.
As with any relatively large, composite mass of minerals, lava rock cannot be digested, and eating it could result in severe health effects.
Why can’t we eat a rock?
There are many reasons why it is dangerous to attempt to eat a rock.
Since they are much harder than our teeth, biting or trying to chew a rock will likely result in chipping or breaking a tooth.
Even a rock that is small enough to fit in your mouth and swallow without chewing constitutes a choking hazard.
Finally, any jagged edges on the surface of the rock could cause internal lacerations to your trachea or puncture the wall of your stomach.
The same is true if it were able to pass through the rest of your digestive system: as it does so, it could cause lacerations and result in rectal bleeding.
Rocks also contain microorganisms on their surface and within their cracks, which can cause infections.
What happens if you eat a rock?
Several potential problems can arise when someone eats a rock.
Assuming that they did not chip a tooth or choke when doing so, complications can arise at every subsequent stage in the digestive system.
Any sharp edges could cut or puncture the walls of the stomach, intestines, and rectum.
This could lead to potentially severe bleeding or infection.
Even in the absence of internal lacerations or tissue damage, the bacteria, viruses, or parasites that may have attached to the surface of a rock can cause infections.
For example, rocks that came into contact with rodent droppings could carry the hantavirus.
Is it safe to eat a rock?
Eating rocks is unsafe and potentially hazardous to your health.
In addition to posing a choking hazard, eating a rock can cause internal bleeding and tissue damage.
Moreover, any bacteria, viruses, or parasites on the surface of the rock could result in an infection.

What kind of rocks can you eat?
Although human beings require certain trace minerals in their diet, the only rock that can be safely consumed in its pure form is salt.
Even, in this case, a salt rock must be pulverized or granulated into small, digestible particles.
Is it healthy to eat rocks?
Eating rocks is unhealthy and can be very hazardous, even lethal.
Risks include chipped or broken teeth, choking, internal lacerations or tissue damage, and bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections.
Can you digest rocks?
Although the fluid in our stomachs would be sufficiently acidic to break down many minerals, if given enough time, the digestive system moves things along too quickly to give it the chance to do so.
Gastric fluid includes hydrochloric acid in addition to other enzymes and chemicals.
Carbonates, such as calcium or calcite, are easily dissolved in hydrochloric acid, however, many other minerals are not.
Most rocks are composites of various minerals and due to their size, the acid in the stomach will not work fast enough to dissolve them.
Can eating rocks make you sick?
Eating rocks can make you sick in a variety of different ways.
Bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections can be caused by microorganisms on the surface and in the cracks of a rock.
Any sharp or jagged edges can cut or tear the tissues in the GI tract, resulting in internal bleeding and infection.
Finally, a rock could get lodged in the lower GI tract and cause intestinal blockage.
Can eating rocks be lethal to humans?
Tissue damage and internal bleeding caused by eating and attempting to pass a rock through the GI tract can be lethal, as can infections caused by microorganisms that were on the surface of the rock.
So, eating rocks can indeed be lethal to humans.
Why do people eat rocks?
People who compulsively eat rocks have an eating disorder known as pica.
Pica is characterized as a strong compulsion or irrational desire to consume a non-food item.
Rocks are only one example of things that a person with pica might crave.
Others include clay, wool, and wood.
Typically, people with pica have a compulsion to eat a specific kind of non-food item, though some desire a wide range of things.

Is wanting to eat rocks a disorder?
The desire to eat rocks is a form of the eating disorder called pica.
So, if you catch yourself having a desire to eat rocks then you should always seek help from your general practitioner who will happily help you with this desire/disorder.
What causes cravings to want to eat rocks?
Pica is an eating disorder in which one has a compulsive desire or craving to eat things that do not constitute food and have no nutritional value.
Sometimes, people with pica desire to eat rocks, pebbles, sand, or dirt.
In some cases, pica is brought on by an iron deficiency, which can be treated by taking iron supplements.
However, in other cases, it seems to have a psychological basis.
It has been associated with stress, anxiety, childhood trauma, and a variety of other factors.
What does “eat rocks” mean?
The phrase, “eat rocks”, can have different meanings.
In Italian, “Sei scemo o mangi sassi? is translated to English: “Are you stupid or do you eat stones?” which is an expression that is often used to call out someone’s stupidity.
It effectively asks, “Are you actually stupid or do you just act like it?”.
In contemporary American slang, “eat rocks” refers to having your teeth broken as a result of having them stomped into a curb.
It usually figures into a warning or threat.
In Shakespeare’s play, Troilus and Cressida, Troilus mocks romantic love by noting that it leads people to “vow to weep seas, live in fire, eat rocks, and tame tigers”.
In this context, the phrase is used as a hyperbolic metaphor, indicating that love leads people to do what is impossible and dangerous.