Mice are animals that can be found all over the globe and in certain countries, they’re even seen as pests as they’ll eat anything that crosses their paths.
But why is it that mice aren’t commonly consumed by us as there are so many of them in the whole world?
And can we even eat mice?
In this article, I’ll cover the answers to these questions and you’ll find answers to a few more closely related questions as well to extend your knowledge even more.
Let’s start with the main question first.
Can you Eat Mice?
Mice can indeed be eaten by humans.
In countries such as Laos, Cambodia, and some parts of Thailand, Ghana, Vietnam, and Indonesia, mouse meat is regularly eaten.
However, you should be sure that the mice are healthy and properly cooked to kill potential disease-causing pathogens before eating them.
Also, they aren’t commonly eaten by humans because they’re opportunistic omnivores who will pretty much eat everything that crosses their paths.
We humans primarily eat the meat of herbivores because their meat is the most healthy and comes with the most appealing tastes.
Check out the video below if you want to find out how you can prepare and cook mice meat (View Discretion Advised).
Can you Eat Raw Mice?
I perceive the risks are high to getting food poisoning from, for example, trichinosis which is a disease associated with consuming raw animal meat, or from the salmonella infection.
People who have eaten rat meat claim that rat meat is delicious but advise people who want to try it out to cook the meat first before eating it.
Also, properly preparing the meat before cooking it and making sure that the meat hasn’t passed its expiration date are two very important factors.
Can Humans Eat Frozen Mice?
Frozen mice meat can certainly be eaten by humans, although you shouldn’t eat their meat raw.
Freezing mice meat helps in preventing potential parasites from infiltrating the meat and it helps in keeping the meat fresh for consumption.
Thus, freezing and then cooking it is a good idea.
Also, you should avoid eating raw mice meat to lessen the probability of getting food poisoning or salmonella infections.
Can you Eat a Pinkie Mouse?
People who like to eat mice meat would also enjoy eating the meat of pinkie mice.
Pinkie mice are healthier to eat than adult mice as they’re rich in protein and less crude fat.
But it is also important to keep in mind that you should properly prepare and cook pinkie mouse meat before eating it as bacteria and parasites can be present in raw pinkie mice meat.
What does Mice Taste like?
People have different opinions on what mice meat tastes like as the taste of mice meat heavily depends on how the meat is prepared and cooked and what the state of the meat in question is.
Also, some people that have tried mice meat describe their taste as gamey, intense, pungent, a bit like rat meat, a bit like pork, tender, and distinctive.
A few other people have stated that there is a slight similarity in taste between mice meat and raccoon meat or rabbit meat.
When the mouse meat is, however, blended with other meats then certain people say that you cannot detect its presence.
Do Mice Taste Good?
Depending on how the mice meat has been cooked, mice meat can taste heavenly.
Some people even say that it tastes like pork and that it is quite tender.
Also, adding sensational spices can make mice meat remarkable in taste.
Opinions will, in the end, differ though from person to person as preferences between people will pretty much always be different as well.
What Happens if You Eat a Mouse?
Nothing weird will happen when you eat the meat of a mouse unless the mouse meat happens to be infected by a parasite or bacteria and if you then decide to eat the meat raw.
As a rule of thumb, you should cook the mouse meat well to eliminate potentially harmful parasites and bacteria in the meat.
Also, eating expired mice meat has a high chance of giving you some unwanted health problems.
Is it Safe for Humans to Eat Mice?
Humans can eat the meat of mice without having to worry about getting ill.
People have been eating mice meat for decades without having to experience any harmful effects.
Always be sure to prepare and cook the meat correctly to be on the safe side though.
Can You Get Sick from Eating Mice?
If the mice are infected with disease-causing parasites and bacteria then you are likely to get infected if you don’t prepare and cook the meat correctly.
Therefore, it is recommended that you thoroughly cook the meat before eating it.
Also, if you want to enhance the flavors of the mice meat even more then it is best to use spices that you prefer the most.
Can You Eat Mice to Survive?
Mice are a perfect survival food as one can easily find ways to trap and cook the mice.
They’re high in proteins and fats which can provide you with the required energy to keep you alive for days.
It is, however, important that you know the most efficient ways to capture mice before you go on a survival adventure as these skills will be helpful to have in your arsenal beforehand.
Can You Eat Mice when Pregnant?
Given the risks of eating contaminated mice meat and transferring the risks to the unborn child, pregnant women should avoid eating mice meat.
Mice can, for example, have the congenital lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) that may cause congenital disabilities or even miscarriages.
Also, pregnant women are easy prey for diseases and bacteria that can weaken their bodies.

Do Cats Eat Mice?
Cats indeed feed on mice, birds, rats, and various other small mammal species as, in reality, they are hunters.
In the wild, mice are part of a cat’s diet and they, therefore, help you keep your home free of mice.
Some cat owners find this gross but it is in the cat’s nature and therefore it will hunt mice.
Check out the video below if you want to see a cat eat a mouse (View Discretion Advised).
Do Dogs Eat Mice?
It is not common for dogs to hunt, and eat mice.
However, dogs will eat rodents, including mice if they’re hungry enough.
But mice are risky for dogs to eat as dogs can easily contract diseases from mice meat.
Do Birds Eat Mice?
Certain bird species such as eagles, hawks, and owls are carnivorous, and mice make up a big part of their nutritious diet.
Mice are perfect for birds as they fulfill their hearty appetites by providing them with crucial nutrients like, for example, proteins and fats.
You can, however, be sure that birds won’t shy away from hunting other small mammal species either as these smaller mammal species can be easy prey for various bird species as well.
Do Eagles Eat Mice?
Eagles will eat a mouse whenever they come across one.
Eagles are opportunistic in what they eat, as they will eat whatever presents itself as long as it is edible.
A lot of the time, the mouse that is hunted by the eagle will not stand much of a chance against the eagle.
Do Squirrels Eat Mice?
Squirrels prefer incorporating fats, proteins, and carbs from roots, insects, nuts, mushrooms, leaves, and seeds.
So, it can safely be said that they will eat mice meat when other food sources are scarce.
If they are given the choice to choose between mice meat or another food source then they’ll prefer the other food source over the mouse meat.
Do Rabbits Eat Mice?
Rabbits are vegetarians, so they won’t eat mice or the meat of other animals.
Rabbits will, however, attract mice due to the smell of their urine and droppings.
So, it is common to see rabbits and mice together in the same place.
Do Rats Eat Mice?
Rats eat mice, which is why mice are afraid of them.
Rats also fancy killing mice when the opportunity arises.
Therefore, mice tend to steer away from rats at all times to protect themselves.
Do Chickens Eat Mice?
Chickens are omnivores, so they can be seen eating mice.
They eat bugs, small amphibians such as toads, and rodents like mice.
Chickens also need a high nutrient diet, and mice happen to be rich in protein, so mice meat can be an ideal food source for them.
Do Garter Snakes Eat Mice?
Garter snakes will prey on mice, therefore, these small snakes are not fun for rodents.
However, garter snakes will feed on anything they can overpower, so mice are not the only animals that they’re after.
Gartner snakes love to eat various insect species, and various small fish species, and they enjoy eating snails.
Do Frogs Eat Mice?
Frogs are predatory, and therefore would love to feed on mice to diversify their diet.
Tiny frogs will feed on worms, insects, and snails but will avoid eating mice because they’re larger than tiny frogs.
Therefore, you can be sure that adult frogs will for sure eat mice if they get the chance.
Do Bats Eat Mice?
Bats are omnivorous, meaning that they will both eat meat-based and plant-based foods.
The majority of bat species prefer to feed on various insect species, fruits, and nectar, whilst a small percentage of vampire bats, such as the hairy-legged vampire bat will prey on small animals as well, such as mice, frogs, and even small birds.
So, you won’t often see a bat eating mice meat in the wild but it surely does occur from time to time.
Which Bird Species Eat Mice?
There are a bunch of bird species out there that would love to feed on mice.
Examples of these bird species are owls, herons, shrikes, eagles, blue jays, hawks, and crows.
To a lot of these bird species, like, for example, the eagle, mice are their preferred prey.

Which Animal Species Eat Mice?
Many animal species eat mice, like, for example, snakes, foxes, cats, giant lizards, falcons, ferrets, rats, weasels, skunks, dingoes, wolves, owls, hawks, jackals, and mongooses.
It can even be said that humans enjoy eating mice meat, however, opinions will always differ when it comes to this topic.
Like it is the case when it comes to eating pretty much all other meats that exist, properly preparing and cooking mice meat is essential to keep potential illnesses away.
Also, using enjoyable spices is essential if you want to enhance the taste of mice meat even more.
Which Snake Species Do Not Eat Mice?
Flowerpot snakes, certain garter snake species, smooth green snakes, Indian egg-eater snakes, snail-eating snakes, African egg-eating snakes, rough green snakes, and ring-necked snakes are all snake species that do not eat mice.
The answer that was given above might come as a shock to some people as certain people expect all the snake species to enjoy eating mice meat.
If, however, mice meat is the only food source left to survive then these just mentioned snake species will probably all give in to eating mice meat as surviving is essential.
In this article, you’ve learned that the meat of mice can indeed be eaten by humans as long as the meat is properly prepared and cooked.
You’ve also learned though that eating mice meat isn’t very popular because their meat will often taste much worse when compared to, for example, cow meat as mice are omnivorous scavengers whilst cows are herbivores.