If you are interested in finding out what rhino meat tastes like then you’ve come to the right article.
As, in this article, you’ll find the exact answer to this question and after you’ve read the answer to the main question then I’ll also cover a few more answers to closely related questions to extend your knowledge even more.
I hope you, therefore, learn a lot from the provided information below!
Can You Eat Rhino Meat?
Rhino meat can be eaten by humans.
Eating rhino meat poses no specific or unusual health risks for humans.
Nevertheless, it’s a rare practice to eat rhino meat due to the animal’s endangered status and the dangers involved in hunting it for food.
Today, rhino meat is only consumed in a handful of locations such as in Africa where entire villages can be sustained for weeks on one adult rhino.
Outside of Africa, people typically eat rhino meat because they believe it has medicinal properties.
Provided the rhino meat is cooked for long enough to neutralize any bacteria or pathogens, consuming it contains the same risks as eating pork or beef.
Exotic meat, however, should never be cooked and eaten rare unless the meat is of an exceptionally high quality which is difficult to verify in most cases.
What Does Rhino Meat Taste Like?
Rhino meat has a distinctly gamey flavor that’s somewhat similar to moose or elk.
It doesn’t taste a million miles away from high-quality beef but it’s much leaner.
Some people have compared the taste of rhino meat to horse meat as well.
Others describe the taste of rhino meat as an “unusual mixture of a beefy, a chicken-like, and a gamey taste”, and say it’s a lot more delicious than you might expect.
Besides, being herbivores, rhinos live almost exclusively on vegetation which makes their flesh less nitrogen-rich and more palatable.
Does Rhino Meat Taste Good?
Whether or not a person enjoys the taste of rhino depends entirely on the person’s preferences in taste.
The flavor profile of rhino meat is already familiar to those Africans who have grown up eating it so, unsurprisingly, they say it’s delicious.
But they’re accustomed to its rich flavors, like a hunter in Midwest America is accustomed to the rich flavors of wild deer meat.
If you enjoy the flavor profile of fresh moose meat, deer meat, or elk meat then you’ll probably like rhino meat as well.
However, the palatability of rhino meat depends on how it has been prepared.
Besides, rhino meat can be tough and typically requires soaking and softening before it is ready to be cooked.

What Does White Rhino Meat Taste Like?
There are no major differences between the taste of white rhino meat and other varieties of rhino meat.
All rhino species are herbivores with vegetation-rich diets, so there’s no significant variation in how their meat tastes to humans.
White rhino meat, generally, tastes gamey, like wild elk or deer, with minimal fat content, and a flavor profile that’s most similar to beef (if we’re comparing it with more common staple meats).
Also, some people claim it has a slightly chicken-like aftertaste.
What Is Rhino Meat Called?
There is no specific name for rhino meat or any rhino meat variety.
It is simply referred to as ‘rhino meat’ and may be illegal to consume depending on where you are in the world.
This is because of the animal’s endangered status.
However, in large parts of Africa and Asia, and some western countries, it is perfectly legal to serve and eat rhino meat.
Can You Eat a Rhino Horn?
Humans can and do eat rhino horns prepared in a variety of ways.
One common method is to grind the rhino horn into a fine powder, and then mix it with water and serve it as a medicinal drink.
This is popular in China because it’s believed that the animal’s horn can cure various diseases.
While the horns of rhinos may be safe to consume, they aren’t very appetizing, and are, therefore, rarely eaten for their flavors.
Why Do Chinese Eat Rhino Horn?
Rhino horn is highly sought after in parts of China for its (allegedly) medicinal properties.
It’s a common ingredient in Traditional Chinese Medicine because it’s believed that the keratin-based substance that is present in rhino horn reduces the chance of catching various diseases.
While more common than the consumption of rhino meat, eating rhino horns is highly illegal in some countries due to the animal’s protected status.
It is also considered ethically questionable because poachers kill the rhinos just for their horns and waste the meat which most people consider deeply immoral.

Do Lions Eat Rhinos?
Rhinos are almost invulnerable to predation and are rarely hunted by anything other than humans.
However, on rare occasions, lions have been observed stalking and hunting these massive animals.
Lions enjoy eating rhino meat and would hunt them more if they weren’t so dangerous to take down.
One lion, for example, cannot kill a healthy adult rhino.
Two or more can, however, work together to flank and trap a rhino even though it significantly outweighs them.
The exception though is the calves of adult rhinos.
A single lion wouldn’t think twice about killing and eating a rhino calf if it could separate it from the group without immediately alerting the adults.
Generally, though, rhinos pose too much of a risk when there are less dangerous food sources for lions to exploit.
What Animals Eat Rhinos?
Rhinos are largely invulnerable to predation due to their massive size and weight.
However, crocodiles, leopards, hyenas, wild dogs, lions, and tigers have been known to stalk and kill juvenile rhinos for their meat.
A full-sized rhinoceros, however, can easily kill a single lion or tiger, so these fierce predators will mostly leave rhinos alone.
So, all in all, a group of lions could go after an adult rhino but it is more likely that you’ll see these just mentioned predators eating the carcasses of deceased rhinos or that they’ll go after the old rhinos, injured rhinos, or rhino calves.
Check out the video below if you want to see hyenas go after a rhino.