So you are wondering if butterflies can fart or not. I was asking myself the same question and did research online to find the answer to this question. In this article, I’ll give you my researched answer and I’ll also answer a few more related questions, so make sure you keep on reading.
Do butterflies fart? Butterflies fart just like most other animals on this earth. This happens because gasses will build up in the stomach of the butterfly whenever digestion takes place. They will also build op gasses through swallowing air. The butterfly then has to get rid of these gasses and farts them out.
Why do butterflies fart?
Butterflies have a belly, rectum, and have stomach bacteria that build up gas. So, this is the reason why they fart. These gasses have to leave their body somehow and that is done through farting regularly whenever the gasses are built up too much.
If you, for example, look at birds then you’ll find out that birds have a belly and rectum but not any stomach bacteria that can build up gasses, and therefore birds don’t fart (possibly only through swallowing air).
When will butterflies fart the most?
In general, the more food the butterfly eats, the more gasses will build up in the belly of the butterfly. Also, whilst butterflies are eating, they will swallow a lot of air which will build up the gasses in their stomach even more. This then results in the butterfly farting a lot.
You won’t have to worry about getting overwhelmed by their gasses though because they will be of such tiny amounts that humans won’t be able to smell them.

Does the fart of a butterfly smell?
Just like any other animal on this earth that farts, will the smell of farting butterflies not smell like roses. For humans, smelling butterfly farts is going to be hard because they won’t produce enough gasses for us to smell them easily.
You can be sure though that insects that can smell, will be able to smell the farts of butterflies and maybe the butterfly can even use its farts to scare away enemies. This is a defense strategy that’s seen in many animals on this earth.
What makes the fart of a butterfly smell?
Farts of animals contain different gasses like oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane, and hydrogen sulfide. The hydrogen sulfide gas is the gas that makes the fart smell bad, and often this gas makes farts smell like rotten eggs.
Now, it’s doubtful that the farts of butterflies will smell like rotten eggs but we do know already that the farts of human beings surely can smell like that, so who knows.
If you can’t get enough of learning about insects then I encourage you to check out the “Insects Category Page” which consists of various articles that give answers to insect-related questions.
Can human beings smell butterfly farts?
We might be able to smell the farts of butterflies but it wouldn’t be easy. It isn’t easy to smell their farts because for us they don’t produce that many gasses. These tiny bits of gasses go up in thin air fast which makes them even less able to be smelled by us.
But maybe you could be able to smell the farts of butterflies if you, for example, would be in a butterfly garden and every single butterfly that was in there started farting. This situation would produce a lot more gasses and the gasses cannot go up in thin air easily because the butterfly garden would be closed off. So, this could potentially be a situation where we would be able to smell the farts of butterflies but this is not tested so we can’t be sure if it would work.

How to prevent butterflies from farting?
You already know that farts are gasses that get produced in the digestive system of the butterfly. So, if you want to make sure that a butterfly stops farting then you should cut off all its food sources as it won’t be able to eat anymore, and then the gasses cannot be produced anymore either.
I’d recommend you not to test this though because it’s not a nice thing to do to animals as you’re essentially starving the butterfly to death.
Do all butterfly species fart?
Not all butterfly species fart. There are butterfly species out there that only live to reproduce. These butterfly species come to life and then start looking for a partner to mate with, without them searching for any food as they will die once they don’t have any more energy left in them.
You can be sure though that there aren’t that many butterfly species out there that will do this. Most of the butterfly species will search for food throughout their whole lives whilst mating as well.
Do butterflies poop as well?
Butterflies poop like any other animal that produces farts as well. Butterfly poop is also called “meconium” and the color of the poop will differ for each butterfly species. Examples of colors where the poop can come in are red, blue, pink, yellow, and many more.
Did you know that butterfly poop even is used to make amazing wall art? Check out this article if you want to see it for yourself.
Related questions
What animal has the loudest fart?
The farts of hippopotamuses are by far the loudest farts produced by animals on this earth. Besides their farts being the loudest though, they are also famous for having the longest-lasting farts on this earth.
Check out the video below if you want to see a hippopotamus fart. This video is great!
Do insects fart?
Not all insects fart but many do. The most common gasses in insect farts are methane and hydrogen and various insects will produce stinking gasses that are not easy to smell by human beings because these gasses come in tiny volumes.
Do koalas fart?
Koalas do fart and you can be sure that they will not hold them in when they get the urge to do so. These farts are gasses that built up within the stomach of the koala when it is digesting its food. Once there is enough of these gasses built up then they will leave the body as farts.
Now you know that butterflies do fart like so many other animals do. Gasses are produced within their digestive system that builds up until they have to come out as farts. These gasses built up even more through swallowing air whilst their eating which will result in them farting even more.