So, you are interested in finding out if crows die of natural causes or not. You’ve come to the right article if this is the case as I’ll be answering this question for you and after answering this question I’ll also answer a few more closely related questions so make sure you keep on reading this article till the end.
Do crows die naturally? Just like all the other animals that live on this earth, crows can die of natural causes as well. Every animal has an expiration date so to speak and if they manage to survive throughout their lives then you can be sure that they will eventually die of old age or because of sickness.
Many people, however, are asking why they don’t see dead crows that much in their cities as they claim to daily see a lot of crows that are still alive and rarely one that’s dead. The main cause of this is that there are also a lot of cats, rats, and dogs in our cities which probably make sure that the crows are already long gone before we get the chance to see a dead crow. It is also likely that crows who are close to the end of their lives or that are sick will fall prey to other common enemies and therefore you won’t see their corpses either.
What causes crows to die naturally?
In life, the natural causes that result in an animal dying are either because the animal has an old age or because the animal in question is sick and won’t get better. The same natural causes of death apply to crows.
It is, however, not that likely that crows will, for example, die of old age because generally, it is very hard for them to survive all the situations that they get themselves into throughout their lives.
Do crows always die of natural causes?
Just like pretty much all the animals that live on this earth, it is not true that crows will always die of natural causes. There are so many different ways that crows could come to the end of their lives before even becoming 1 year old.
Even when we take a look at the age expectancy of, for example, humans, it is generally not that likely for us to die of old age as there are so many different situations that can present themselves throughout our lives which could result in us dying. For example, us dying because of a sickness or us dying because of an accident. We, however, cannot complain though as our average life expectancy is pretty decent when compared to most other animals.

If you can’t get enough of learning about crows then I encourage you to check out the “Crows Category Page” which consists of various articles that give answers to crow-related questions.
What are other common ways that crows die?
There are so many other ways that crows could come to the end of their lives instead of them dying of a common disease or old age. Examples of ways that crows could come to the end of their lives are:
- Falling prey to common enemies, like, for example, cats, hawks, or owls.
- By flying up against a window after being chased by a common enemy.
- Them being unable to find any water.
- Them being unable to find any food.
- Dying because of not being developed correctly.
- Dying young because of the crow’s parents dying.
- Dying because they’re unable to fly anymore.
- Dying because they’ve lost a leg and are unable to walk.
- Dying because of bad weather.
As you can read above there’s an endless list of ways a crow could come to the end of its life. So, you can be sure that the ways that are mentioned above are just a small percentage of all the ways a crow could come to the end of its life.
Related questions
What disease kills crows?
Various diseases can be found in crows that will lead to the crow dying. A disease that hit crows hard in 1999 was the West Nile virus because it had a fatality rate of 100% in crows. Another disease that can lead to a crow dying is cancer.
What happens when a crow dies?
There is unusual behavior that happens amongst crows when they notice that a member of their group has died. The members of the group gather around the body of the fallen crow and it is believed they do this to commemorate their fallen friend and to potentially learn from why the crow died.
Do crows hold funerals for their dead?
It is generally known that crows do kind of hold funerals for their fallen crow friends. They’ll gather around the body of the fallen comrade and they’ll try to learn from the potential dangers that resulted in the comrade dying.
Check out the video below if you want to see a video that goes more in-depth about crow funerals.
Now you know that crows can die of natural causes too just like all the other animals that live on this earth. It is, however, more likely that they will die of other causes instead of a natural one as crows will find themselves in a lot of dangerous challenges throughout their lives that can easily result in certain death.