If you want to find out whether lions will eat other lions from time to time then you’ve come to the right article.
As, in this article, you’ll find the answer to this question and I’ll also cover the answers to a few more closely related questions to extend your knowledge even more.
I hope you learn a lot from the provided information.
Do lions eat other lions?
Lions, generally, do not eat other lions, however, there are some exceptions.
Unlike other big cats, which are largely solitary, lions live in groups known as pride.
The lionesses in the pride are the primary hunters, and they typically focus their efforts on large-body prey.
After a successful hunt, the male lions within the pride will claim a portion of the meat.
During famines or other food shortages, lions will eat smaller game and rodents.
If food becomes overly scarce, a pride may kill one of the elderly lions and eat it.
Typically, a pride contains only a few males and multiple generations of female lions, as well as their cubs.
The territory of the pride is passed to successive generations matrilineally, that is, through the lionesses.
Lionesses are the active hunters and stable members of the pride, whereas the male lions only stay within a pride for up to a few years.
There is steep competition among males to secure a place within a pride since this is the only means by which they can secure progeny.
Upon taking over control of a pride, a male lion may eat the cubs of the lionesses since this reduces the amount of time before they can reproduce.
Check out the video below if you want to see for yourself that lions sometimes will go after other lions.
Do all lions eat other lions?
If desperate, a pride of lions may eat an elderly lion from their group.
However, they will only do so if food is scarce.
Typically, female lions will not kill their cups.
However, male lions occasionally do so upon usurping control from another male.
Eliminating the cubs causes the lionesses to become fertile more quickly.
Do lions eat old lions?
Under extreme stress, such as the risk of starvation, lions will occasionally kill and eat the oldest member of the pride.
They do not do so as a matter of course, though.
The hunters in the pride will attempt to capture small game, rodents, or large-body prey rather than turn cannibalistic.
They will also seek to expand the territory of their pride when food is short.
Why do female lions eat male lions?
As a general rule, female lions do not eat other lions.
However, there are exceptions.
For example, in the heat of conflict over access to food or when their cubs are in danger, lionesses occasionally attack and kill a male lion.

Do lions eat lionesses?
Lions do occasionally kill other lionesses over territory or food.
However, they are not inclined to hunt or eat other members of their species unless the threat of starvation pushes them to do so.
Upon taking over the pride, a lion will sometimes eat the cubs of the lion he defeated.
Doing so reduces the amount of time before the lionesses can reproduce with him.
Do lions eat the dead bodies of other lions?
Lions will only eat the meat of another lion if other food sources are scarce.
Even when lions kill other lions over territorial or hunting disputes, they do not do so to eat them.
However, since they are opportunistic eaters and scavengers, they will eat lion carcasses if there are no other good food options around.
Do lions eat the lion cubs of other lions?
Ordinarily, lions do not eat their cubs.
However, when a lion or coalition of nomadic lions takes over a pride, replacing another male, they will sometimes kill the pride’s cubs.
Doing so shortens the time until the lionesses can reproduce and secures the conquering male’s access to the females.
When a cub reaches maturity, the dominant male will typically chase it off to maintain his position within the pride.
Do lions eat baby lions?
Lions do not typically eat their babies.
However, upon capturing new territory from a competing male, a lion or coalition of lions may kill the defeated male’s cubs to secure their reproductive access to the lionesses.
When a lion’s cubs reach maturity then the male leader/leaders will chase them off to ensure his/their continued dominance.
Why do lions eat other lions?
When lions eat other lions, it is usually due to a food shortage, or as a result of a territorial dispute.
During times of famine, lions have been known to kill the oldest member of the pride to provide food.
When a lion captures new territory from a competing pride, he will sometimes kill the pride’s cubs to ensure that he can reproduce with the females.

Why do lions not eat other lions?
Although lions are obligate carnivores, meaning that most of their diet must come from meat, they are not cannibalistic as they are not naturally inclined to eat their kind.
Moreover, they tend not to hunt or eat other carnivores, since only meat from herbivores provides them with a sufficient density of the nutrients necessary for their continued health.
They are opportunistic hunters, but they tend to focus their efforts on zebras, antelopes, buffaloes, and wildebeests.
Do lions eat other cats?
Lions, like all members of the cat family (including house cats), are obligate carnivores.
This means that at least 70 percent of their diet must come from meat.
However, lions, as well as tigers and leopards, tend to prey upon herbivores, since the fat content of the meat from herbivores provides them with nutrients that are necessary for their continued health.
They do not typically choose to eat other carnivores unless they are starving.
If desperate, a lion will eat a common house cat, if it happens to be available.
However, wild lions require at least ten pounds of meat per day, so they typically focus on larger prey.
Do lions eat other big cats?
Most carnivorous animals, including lions and other big cats, do not hunt or eat other carnivores.
They need the nutrients available in the meat from herbivores to thrive.
When a lion kills another lion or other big cats, such as a tiger or leopard, it is typically due to a territorial dispute.
In general, carnivores typically only kill other carnivores that they view as competition for their food supply or territory.
Check out the video below if you want to see a lion take down a buffalo.