If you are interested in finding out whether fish can be considered halal or haram then you’ve come to the right article.
As, in this article, you’ll find the exact answer to this question, and also after you’ve read the answer to the main question then I’ll also cover a few more answers to closely related questions.
I hope you learn a lot from the shared information.
Is Fish Considered Halal or Haram?
Fish falls into the category of halal meat that’s permissible for consumption by Muslims.
However, Muslims are not allowed to eat fish that do not contain scales.
Besides, no restrictions on fishing methods exist, and, therefore, Muslims have the green light to catch and consume them in every way they desire.
Fish are also commonly consumed by Muslims as various fish species come with essential nutrients for our bodies.
Is Raw Fish Halal?
Raw fish that contain scales is halal and permissible for consumption by Muslims.
However, it’s best to always ensure that the fish you want to be eating is properly prepared and cooked, as raw fish meat might come with some unwanted bacteria that potentially can make you sick if the meat is not cooked correctly.
If you, however, do love eating raw fish meat then you could go for sushi at your local restaurant as they’ll know exactly how to take care of raw fish meat.
Is Fish Gelatine Halal?
Any product made from a part of a fish that contains scales or an entire fish that contains scales is halal, and also the Quran doesn’t prohibit Muslims from consuming them.
Therefore, fish gelatin is permissible since it widely uses fish skin as part of its essential ingredients.
Besides, it’s a healthy protein product with many benefits for all consumers.
Is Tuna Halal?
Tuna is halal since it’s among the permissible animals that Muslims can consume.
Also, according to certain Muslim sections, it is a must that the fish species in question contains scales otherwise, it won’t be considered halal.
There are also even religions out there that do not allow people to eat fish that contain scales.
Is Shark Halal?
A shark is a fish that does not contain normal scales and is, therefore, not allowed for consumption by the Islamic faithful.
There are, however, Muslims out there that do see shark meat as a permissible food, and, therefore, decide to consume it.
The bottom line is though that although sharks are fish, they do not contain normal scales that are seen in other fish species like, for example, salmon or tuna.
Is Salmon Halal?
Salmon is a ray-finned fish and a delicacy for most people.
Like most fish species, it’s considered halal and fit for consumption by the Muslim community.
This fish is mainly found in river tributaries and are native to the North Atlantic regions.
However, people all over the world farm them year in and out.
Is Cod Halal?
Cod is a common ingredient in various dishes, including popular dishes like cod and chips, and it has flaky and dense flavored flesh.
It’s halal and permissible for consumption like most fish.
To clear doubts, this fish has tiny and sleek scales, and the Quran recommends eating it.

Is Blue Fish Halal?
Bluefish is a petite-scaled sea fish considered halal since it contains every attribute that is required to consider it halal.
It’s available in virtually every region with a coral endowment.
Angling this fish requires technique since they often live in schools and hide in corals but they can also be found in the open waters at times.
Is Catfish Halal?
Catfish is haram which means that Muslims aren’t allowed to eat catfish.
They’re prohibited because catfish do not contain scales.
The fish is a staple for numerous riverine communities and is sought-after for its healthy dose of protein.
It’s famous for its barbels resembling a cat’s whiskers and its less flaky white flesh.
However, it tastes even better when seasoned.
Is Basa Fish Halal?
Basa is a species of the catfish community native to Mainland Southeast Asia and it is considered haram.
Therefore, basa fish cannot be consumed by Muslims.
Besides, it is full of rich nutrients, so it’s perfect for human consumption.
Is Filet-O-Fish Halal?
Filet-o-fish is a fish sandwich available in most McDonald’s fast-food restaurants.
Although the company hasn’t classified any of its food being halal or not, because this food contains a fish permissible for consumption, Filet-O-Fish is considered halal.
So, if you want a rich-nutritional dose with plenty of carbs and protein then you should try the Filet-O-Fish yourself.
Is Beer Battered Fish Halal?
Beer-battered fish are crispy and tasty treats for many but aren’t permissible for consumption by Muslims.
This savory snack contains beer batter that doesn’t get you drunk, but it’s haram because consuming alcohol is prohibited in the general Muslim community.
Are all Fish Species Considered Halal?
All fish species that contain scales are halal, and every Muslim can consume them without worrying about crossing the religious spectacle.
So, if the fish comes without scales then the fish species cannot be consumed.
What Are Some Examples of Fish Species That are Halal?
The spectrum of halal fish is broad, but Tuna, salmon, and cod are perfect examples of fish species that are halal.
Other tiny sea creatures, including shrimps and clams, are also halal.
There are, of course, many more fish species out there that are halal, as well as all fish species that contain scales, can be considered halal.
Which Type Of Fish Is Haram In The Islam?
Certain fish species are considered haram because they do not contain scales.
Fish that do not contain scales can, therefore, not be eaten by Muslims.
Examples of fish species that do not contain scales and are, therefore, not allowed to be consumed by Muslims are catfish, clingfish, and sharks.

Is Fish Halal Everywhere In The World?
Every Muslim globally can consume fish that do contain scales since they’re all considered halal.
Commonly consumed fish species are tuna, salmon, and tilapia which are also commonly consumed by Muslims.
Is Fish Halal In The USA?
Any Muslim living in the United States can consume fish that do contain scales without having to worry about defying their religion.
This is the case because the Muslim religion holds the same rules in the USA as anywhere else in the world.
How Can Fish Be Halal?
While every fish that contains scales is halal, and is, therefore, fit for consumption, Muslims aren’t allowed to ingest any blood either, and they, therefore, must drain it entirely.
But, thankfully, this is most of the time already done before the fish arrives at the supermarket which makes it easy for Muslims to just buy fish from the general store.
In this article, you’ve learned that all fish species that contain scales and that live on this earth can be considered halal.
Besides, Muslims are allowed to go fishing without having any restrictions on how they catch the fish.
You’ve also learned that Muslims can’t eat fish that still contains blood, but the good thing is that all supermarkets sell fish that don’t contain blood anymore.