So, you are wondering if yellow coloring inside a fish’s body is normal. If this is the case then you’ve come to the right place as I’ll give you the answer to this question in this article.
After I’ve answered the main question, I’ll also cover the answers to a few more closely related questions, so make sure you keep on reading this article till the end.
Is yellow coloring inside a fish normal? Yellow coloring inside the body of a fish can have different meanings. It can either mean that the gallbladder of the fish is broken which would mean that most parts of the fish’s body are still edible or it can be that the yellow coloring is a sign of the fish being spoiled.
The gallbladder of a fish can break during filleting the fish which gives the fish meat a yellow coloring. You can, however, easily cut the yellow pieces of the fish meat out and throw them away. The rest of the fish’s meat can still be eaten and you won’t experience any differences in taste.
You can also find yellow grub inside the fish’s body which doesn’t make the fish look very yellow but it does give the fish yellow spots. Yellow grub is a parasite that is often found in fish and it’s also a parasite that can’t be harmful to humans.
Check out the video below if you want to see for yourself what yellow grub looks like.
Why is my fish meat yellow?
A fish’s meat turning yellow can have various meanings. It can, for example, be that the gallbladder of the fish was broken during filleting the fish which results in the gall residing in the fish’s flesh. But it can also be that oxidation is causing the fish’s meat to turn yellow.
Once you happen to run into a fish that’s oxidating then you should think twice before deciding to eat the fish as oxidation is a sign of poor food quality.
Why is my fish meat turning yellow?
If your fish was already filleted sometime before it started to turn yellow then you can be sure that the fish meat is oxidating which indicates that you either have to eat it as soon as possible before it passes its expiration date or that you should throw the meat away.
In my opinion, it is best to just throw the fish meat away once you start seeing signs of oxidation. It is just better to just buy some new fresh fish meat instead of eating the oxidating fish meat.
Is it safe to eat yellow fish meat?
It can be that the gallbladder of the fish was broken during filleting or that yellow grub has infested the fish’s body which in both cases would mean that the fish meat is still good to eat if you properly cook the meat. Yellow fish meat that has passed its expiration date should be ditched.
Properly cooking the fish meat when the fish meat happens to have yellow grub is smart as properly cooking the fish will result in the yellow grub parasites not surviving.
Also, it is best to cut out the yellow-infested pieces of meat and throw them away when the yellow coloring is caused by a broken gallbladder.
What are the yellow spots in fish meat?
Whenever you encounter yellow spots or yellow dots inside the meat of a fish then you can be quite sure that it is yellow grub. Yellow grub is a parasite that has infiltrated into the fish’s body. Thankfully, though, yellow grub cannot be harmful to us humans.
It is, however, essential that you properly cook the fish meat whenever the fish happens to have yellow grub which is something you should always do when it comes to meat.

What fish species have yellow meat?
Naturally, there aren’t any fish species out there that come with yellow meat. That’s also why you should always double-check your fish meat for freshness whenever you encounter your fish meat having a yellow color.
Yellow color in fish meat can be linked to spoilage, to a broken gallbladder, or the fish being infested with yellow grub.
You already know a lot more about what it means when you encounter yellow coloring inside fish meat. But do you also want to find out if fish are considered to be white meat or red meat? If this is the case then you should check out the article: “Are Fish Considered To Be White Or Red Meat?” which will give you the answer to this question and the article will also cover a few more answers to other closely related questions.
Why is trout meat yellow?
Whenever you encounter trout meat being yellow then you can be sure that the meat has either passed its expiration date, that the gallbladder of the fish was broken during filleting the fish, or that the fish’s body is infiltrated by yellow grub parasites.
In my opinion, it is best to throw the fish meat into the bin if your intuition tells you that you shouldn’t eat the fish meat.
Why is halibut yellow?
The meat of halibut fish isn’t supposed to be yellow and whenever you encounter your halibut fish to be yellow, it is either best to throw it away if it has passed its expiration date, or it can either be that the fish’s gallbladder is broken or that the fish’s body is infiltrated by yellow grub.
When it’s the case of the latter two, so the gallbladder being broken or the fish being infiltrated by yellow grub then you can be sure that the meat is still edible.
Why is my cod yellow?
Yellow coloring inside the body of a codfish can mean various things. It can either be that the gallbladder of the codfish was broken during filleting the fish, that the fish meat has passed its expiration date and should be thrown away, or that yellow grub has infiltrated the fish’s body.
Just like it is important to always check your fish meat for freshness, the same can be said for cod meat. If you don’t trust the meat then it is always best to buy some new fresh cod meat.
Is yellow fish meat good for you?
The fish’s meat turns yellow whenever the gallbladder of the fish has been broken during filleting the fish which doesn’t change the conditioning or the taste of the fish. But it can also be that fish meat turns yellow when the fish is spoiled which would mean that you shouldn’t eat the fish.
All in all, though, a spoiled fish can easily be identified because of its foul smell and also by checking the expiration date of the fish. Besides these signs, it is always best to act on your instincts, so if you get the idea that the fish is spoiled then you should make sure that you don’t eat it.

Related questions
Are fish yellow?
There surely are various fish species out there that have yellow coloring. An example of a fish species that has yellow coloring is the yellow tang fish which is a saltwater fish. Other examples of yellow-colored fish species are the Foxface rabbitfish and the yellow boxfish.
What fish are yellow?
There are various fish species out there that are yellow-colored. Examples of these fish species are the pineapple fish, the gold angelfish, the gold barb, the golden discus, the lemon peel angelfish, the yellow assessor, the marigold swordtail, the yellow goatfish, and the electric yellow fish.
What types of yellow fish can you eat?
There are various types of yellow-colored fish species that you can eat. Examples of species are the famous yellowfin tuna fish and the blackfin tuna fish. These two species of fish are widely consumed all over the world.
Check out the video below if you want to see fishers catch a huge yellowfin tuna.
Now you know that a yellow coloring inside the fish’s body can mean various things. It can either be that the gallbladder of the fish in question is broken, that the fish meat has spoiled and should be thrown away, or possibly even that yellow grub parasites have infiltrated the fish’s body.