Sometimes we accidentally swallow flies when we’re, for example, bicycling to our work but what do they taste like, or do they even taste like something? In this article, I’ll give you the exact answer to this question and I’ll also cover a few more closely related questions, so make sure you keep on reading till the end.
What do flies taste like? Flies overall have a foul taste, and they mostly will taste like the foods and things that they’ve been sitting on. They will also taste crunchy, a bit like crickets, have an acrid almond taste, and taste bitter.
Are there possibilities where the fly might taste different?
I couldn’t find any evidence online on this, but I’d imagine that flies, in general, should probably taste like many other insects we know if they don’t eat or walk over foods and animals that we don’t like.
The opinions I’ve found online about the taste of flies are mostly negative because the flies that they’ve tasted have probably been sitting on animals or even poop of animals that make the fly taste bad. But then again, they might just taste foul even without them having sat on bad-tasting food or smelling animals.
Do flies taste good?
In general, you can assume that flies won’t taste good because they generally tend to taste like the things that they’ve been eating or sitting on. And generally, these things consist of cow poop, or bad-smelling cows themselves.
It is, however, hard to know if flies will always taste bad though as there can be situations possible where the fly has only been sitting on fruits which generally taste pretty good in my opinion.
What would a house fly taste like?
House flies will in general have a very foul taste, and thereby will mainly taste like the animals, foods, and other things that they’ve been sitting on. So, as you can read it is best to always avoid tasting house flies as they won’t taste any good.
There might be possibilities however where the house fly will taste decent. If the house fly is, for example, raised by you and you’ve made sure that it hasn’t stepped on or eaten anything you don’t like the taste of then the taste of the house fly might be all right. But of course, there isn’t any evidence that I can provide you with, so generally, just avoid eating them.
What would a fruit fly taste like?
Fruit flies are very tiny flies that in my opinion are pretty much tasteless. I’ve accidentally swallowed at least a few fruit flies and I’d imagine you have too. I mostly remember that they didn’t taste like anything and that I’d immediately spit them out if I felt one in my mouth.
If you, however, have swallowed one before then you don’t have to be scared that you might get an unexpected disease from them as they can’t bring any harm to your health.
If you can’t get enough of learning about flies then I encourage you to check out the “Flies Category Page” which consists of various articles that give answers to fly-related questions.
What would a horse fly taste like?
Some people have said that horseflies taste quite sweet, but I’d imagine their taste to not be so different from other normal-sized house flies as horseflies like to eat bad-tasting stuff and love to sit on animals that can smell very bad.
Below, I’ve shared a video of a man that’s going to share his opinion on the taste of a horsefly. He says in the video that they taste sweet but honestly, I’d imagine they taste bad as he seems to struggle to swallow it.
What would a blowfly taste like?
I couldn’t find any opinions on what a blowfly tastes like, but I’d imagine them to taste like regular flies as their sizes are mostly equal and because they tend to sit on and eat the same foods. So, they will taste pretty much like the things that they’ve been either eating or sitting on.
If you want to be sure though then you’ll have to try to taste a blowfly for yourself.
What would a black soldier fly taste like?
I couldn’t find any direct information about the taste of black soldier flies, but I’d imagine them to taste like horse flies as their size is pretty much equal. So, if this is true then you can expect the black soldier fly to taste like the animals and foods that it’s been eating or sitting on.
Once again, I haven’t tested the taste of black soldier flies myself and I’m just assuming here depending on the information I’ve found about other fly species.
The larvae of the black soldier fly on the other hand seem to taste pretty good when you cook them. People have said that the larvae of the black soldier fly smell a bit like potatoes and that they taste nutty and meaty.
Related questions
What do mosquitoes taste like?
People describe the taste of mosquitoes to be odd and unfamiliar. Also, it’s good to keep in mind that it can be dangerous to eat mosquitoes as they can carry various bacteria and diseases with them that you don’t want to get yourself.
Are flies bad to eat?
Flies do contain nutrients that wouldn’t be bad for our bodies, but I do recommend skipping eating flies as much as you can. This is the case because flies can just like mosquitoes carry various bacteria with them that you don’t want to have in your body as they can make you sick.
How do flies taste their food?
Flies can just like other animals, taste with their feet. On their feet and lower legs are tasting receptors located (which are called “chemonsensilla”). These tasting receptors enable the fly to taste the foods where they’re sitting on.

So, you’ve learned that flies generally seem to have a foul taste when you happen to taste them. This taste occurs because throughout their lives, they tend to sit on a lot of different animals and even poop of animals that don’t leave any smells that we like, and flies then tend to taste like the things and animals that they’ve been sitting on or that they’ve been eating. Also, you can expect flies to taste crunchy, a bit like crickets, that they’ll have an acrid almond taste to them, and that they’ll taste bitter.