So you are interested in finding out what seals smell like. You’ve come to the right article if this is the case as I’ll be answering this question for you, and make sure you keep on reading this article after you’ve read the answer as I’ll be answering a few more closely related questions afterward as well.
What do seals smell like? Generally, people dislike the smell of seals when they’re, for example, close to a beach where they live. The smell that is generally experienced is the smell of decomposing fish and ammonia. Apart from a decomposing fish smell can also a smell of seal poop be experienced.
All in all, it can of course be the case that some people will have a different experience when it comes to the smell of seals but generally, most people will not enjoy the smell of seals.
Do seals smell good?
Many people all over the world have said that seals generally smell bad because the smells are mostly related to the smell of decomposing fish, old seal poop, and ammonia. There are, however, situations possible where seals will probably not smell bad as well, so they won’t always stink.
Also, you can generally expect seals not to smell bad themselves as they love to take a swim in the sea which will get rid of most of the bad smells. So, the smell mostly resides in the spots where seals like to relax after their swim in the sea.
Do seals smell bad?
Most people that have experienced the smell of seals before have come to the conclusion that seals smell bad. What most people don’t realize, however, is that seals themselves most of the time don’t smell bad but that the smell comes from the spots where seals hang around a lot.
So, it can be said that seals themselves don’t have to smell bad although they probably do at times. Their bad smell mainly comes from their resting places as these are the places where they eat their caught fish and poop out the remains.
If you can’t get enough of learning about seals then I encourage you to check out the “Seals Category Page” which consists of various articles that give answers to seal-related questions.
What do elephant seals smell like?
Elephant seals will smell like decomposing fish, elephant seal poop, and ammonia. These smells are mainly coming from the spots where they live though as elephant seals themselves regularly take so to say showers in the sea.
You can, however, be sure that they don’t go into the sea just to get rid of their bad smell. They mainly enter the sea to hunt after prey which is mainly various species of fish.
Do elephant seals smell good or bad?
Opinions differ when it comes to whether elephant seals smell good or bad but generally people see elephant seals as bad-smelling animals because when they’re close, smells of decomposing fish, elephant seal poop, and ammonia can be experienced.
It is, however, possible to encounter elephant seals that don’t smell bad. If this happens then it is also likely that you didn’t encounter the elephant seal at or close by the spot where the elephant seal in question normally goes to rest and eat.

Why are seals so smelly?
Seals are not going to clean up their feces and not the remains of their eaten foods and therefore it is said that seals don’t smell that good. It is more likely though, that the bad smells don’t come from the seals themselves but from the spots where they leave their decaying foods and feces.
So, if you can’t stand any strong odors that are related to the smell of decomposing fish or seal-related poop then you should, by all means, make sure that you skip going to the common living spots of seals which are most of the time located nearby the sea.
Related questions
Does the smell of seals repel common enemies?
Although the smell of seals is generally very bad, you can expect their smell to not repel common enemies because enemies of seals generally don’t care about the smell of seals but only about the meat they can provide. A great white shark, for example, will not back down because of a bad smell.
Can seals find back their pups by smelling them?
Whenever a mother seal is close to their pup but is unable to find their pup because of a lot of pups being in one place, the mother seal can use her scent to identify her pup. It is best to not interfere whenever a pup seems lost in a crowd of seals as it is likely that the pup will find its mom.
Can seals smell underwater?
Although seals have a strong sense of smell you can be sure that they won’t be able to scent things whilst they’re underwater. Their sense of smell, however, is an important ability for seals as they can potentially scent danger and also scent potential meals.
Check out the video below if you want to see a cute seal smelling just above the water.
In this article, you’ve learned that generally the smell of seals is disliked because people generally experience a smell of decomposing fish and ammonia, and these smells are mostly disliked all over the world. Furthermore, people also generally experience a smell of seal poop which is often disliked as well.