So, you were wondering what fox meat tastes like. I was asking myself the same question and started doing some research online. In this article, I’ll give answers to this question and I’ll also go deeper into closely related questions, so make sure you keep on reading till the end.
What does fox meat taste like? Fox meat is meat that isn’t consumed by humans often and for good reasons. Online, I’ve found different opinions about the taste of fox meat. These opinions are that it’s tough to chew, it’s very bland, stringy, dry, and gamey.
So, as you can read the meat of foxes is not particularly liked by people even though it is also quite lean meat which means that it doesn’t contain much fat. People dislike it probably also because the animal is a carnivore which are animals that human beings normally don’t consume. We’d prefer to stick to cow meat (beef), pig meat (pork), or chicken as these kinds of animals bring the best tastes with them. Also, there are a lot of people that follow the vegetarian route which means that these people don’t eat meat but do eat the foods that are produced by animals like, for example, milk or eggs. And then there are also vegans which don’t eat any meat and also not any foods that are produced by animals.
Does fox meat taste good?
The vast majority of people say that fox doesn’t taste good and therefore I’d lean more towards answering this question with the answer, that fox meat doesn’t taste good. Also, a lot of people have said that the food is just unpleasant to eat because the meat is tough to chew and very stringy.
So, fox meat from itself will not taste good and will pretty much always be unpleasant to eat if it is not cooked in a certain way. In the following question, we’ll dive deeper into what you can do to make fox meat taste better.
Some people do like the taste of fox meat. Check out the video below to see a man who does like it.
If you can’t get enough of learning about foxes then I encourage you to check out the “Foxes Category Page” which consists of various articles that give answers to fox-related questions.
How do you make fox meat taste good?
Making fox meat taste good is pretty hard but there are some steps you can take to make the eating experience more pleasant. These are two essential steps that I’ve found online that will potentially help your fox meat taste better:
- Wash away the odor and soften it by soaking the fox meat in a salt and vinegar solution. Together with the salt and vinegar, you should add various spices like ginger, pepper, bay leaves, rosemary, lemon juice, thyme, or apple cider vinegar which will all help to tenderize the meat. Leave the meat in this solution of salt, vinegar, and spices for at least 12 hours before cooking it (this process is also called “brining”).
- Make sure that you slow cook the meat as this will take away a lot of the gaminess.
All in all, though, I would advise you to skip trying out fox meat as it will most likely be an unpleasant experience for you. If you just love meat then stick to the well-known chicken, beef, and pork.
Related questions
Do humans eat red foxes?
Humans do indeed eat red foxes. It is not a common thing though as fox meat isn’t the best tasting meat that’s out there. Humans are in many cases even the worst enemies of foxes as humans like to hunt them for sport and want their fur to trade it for money.
Do Alaskans eat foxes?
Alaskans do indeed eat foxes if the situation asks for it. If, for example, there isn’t much food around and eating fox meat would be one of their only options then you can be sure that they’ll eat the fox meat. Fox meat is also sometimes used as meat for their dogs.
What is fox meat called?
Fox meat is not eaten often by people like, for example, cow meat (beef) is. Therefore fox meat hasn’t been given a specific name like beef or pork as there is not much of a reason to give it a name. We just call fox meat, fox meat.

Now you know that fox meat isn’t the kind of meat you would want to try as the experiences of people that have eaten foxes tell that the taste isn’t pleasant unless you prepare it very well and use a lot of spices. And even if you did this, it still wouldn’t come anywhere close to the meat that you’re used to eating like cow meat or chicken meat.
If you decide to not follow a recipe or add any spices to the fox meat then you can be sure that the meat isn’t going to taste good at all. You then can expect the meat to be tough to chew, stringy, very bland, dry, and gamey, so make sure you at least follow a recipe if you want to test out fox meat.