If you are interested in finding out what a male fish and a female fish are called then you’ve come to the right article.
As, in this article, you’ll find the exact answer to these questions, and also after you’ve read the answer to the main question then I’ll cover the answers to a few more closely related questions as well to extend your knowledge further.
I hope you learn a lot from this article.
What Is A Male Fish Called?
Generally, male fish are simply called fish.
This is the case both concerning common terminology and scientific terminology.
Except for salmon, in which the males are called cocks, there isn’t a specific word that is used to distinguish males from females.
Rather, the word fish is applied to both sexes without distinction.
Of course, in languages other than English that have masculine, feminine, and neuter noun forms, males and females may be distinguished by using the respective gendered form.
Under the system of binomial nomenclature, which is used in scientific literature, no distinction is made between males and females of a species.
Both are included under the scientific species name.
Biological genders among fish are often not binary or fixed.
Approximately 500 species of fish are hermaphroditic, with individual organisms switching genders during the normal course of their development.
Among such species, individual fish produce both male and female gametes, that is, the haploid germ cells that unite during fertilization to form a zygote.
Among the hermaphroditic species, we call fish that begin as female and then transition to male protogyny or being protogynous, whereas those that begin their life as male and later become females are known as protandry or protandrous.
Although there typically are no terms to distinguish males from females as such, there are a variety of terms that are used to refer to the reproductive organs of male fish.
In the case of sharks, chimeras, and rays, the external reproductive organ is called a clasper.
In certain other species, the anal fin constitutes the external reproductive organ, and it is referred to as the gonopodium.
By contrast, female fish have a urogenital papilla.
Check out the video below of a fish species that can turn from being a female to being a male.
What is a mature male fish called?
There isn’t a unique term for mature male fish that have reached the age of sexual maturity.
Like female fish, they are simply referred to as fish, without a gender distinction.
The term “milt” is used to refer to a male fish’s seminal fluid or sperm, and “roe” is used to refer to the testes, which contain the milt.
”Roe” is also used to refer to the eggs laid by female fish.
What is a male pufferfish called?
Pufferfish (also sometimes referred to as blowfish) are carnivorous marine species that characteristically inflate their bodies by quickly consuming a large amount of water.
This is a defense mechanism that makes them unappetizing to predators.
There isn’t a unique term that is used to distinguish a male pufferfish from a female.
Both sexes are simply referred to as pufferfish.
Check out the video below if you want to see how a pufferfish blows itself up.
What is a male salmon called?
Male salmon are referred to as cocks.
The word “salmon” is a common term that is applied to a variety of fish species in the family scientifically classified as Salmonidae.
However, other fish within Salmonidae are not referred to as salmon, including trout, whitefish, and graylings.
Salmon are anadromous, meaning that they are born in fresh water and then move to marine environments to feed, later returning to freshwater to spawn.

What is a young male salmon fish called?
When a young salmon of either sex is newly hatched, it is referred to as an alevin or fry.
When it is no longer a newly hatched fish, but still sexually immature, it is referred to as a smolt.
During this juvenile phase of development, it develops silvery scales and begins migrating from the freshwater where it was hatched to the ocean, where it will feed.
When a salmon returns from the sea to a freshwater river for the first time, it is called a grilse.
Upon reaching sexual maturity, a male salmon is known as a cock, whereas a female salmon is referred to as a hen.
What is a female fish called?
In most cases, female fish are simply called fish.
Although male and female salmon have terms to distinguish them respectively as cock and hen, there are no such distinguishing terms used for other species.
This is true both in ordinary language (common terminology) and under the scientific system of binomial nomenclature.
Within formal scientific taxonomy, no distinction is made between males and females of a species.
Rather, both are included under the scientific species name.
In languages that have masculine, feminine, and neuter noun forms, males and females may be distinguished by using the relevant gendered noun.
However, the English language does not feature this convention.
Biological gender among fish is often fluid and changes over time.
A large number of species of fish are hermaphroditic, with individual organisms switching gender during the normal course of their development.
Among such species, individual fish produce male and female gametes.
Gametes are the haploid germ cells necessary for reproduction and which unite during fertilization to form a zygote.
Fish that first develop female genitalia and only later develop male genitalia are known as protogyny.
Those that develop their male genitalia before their female genitalia are known as protandry.
When pregnant, a fish is referred to as either a live-bearer or an egg-bearer.
Oviparous species are those that are egg-bearing, while viviparous species are those in which eggs develop inside the female’s body.
What is a female salmon called?
Among the salmon species within the biological family Salmonidae, sexually mature females are known as hens.
Both young male and female salmon are referred to as alevin or fry when they are newly hatched.
As they develop juvenile silvery scales, they are known as smolt and they begin migrating from the freshwater where they hatched to the sea, where they will feed before returning to their freshwater rivers.
Upon their return to a river, salmon are known as grilses.

What is a baby fish called?
A newly hatched fish is known as an alevin, but once it starts feeding on its own, it is known as fry.
Upon entering its juvenile stage of development, it ceases to be known as fry and is either simply called a juvenile or, in the case of salmon, it is called a smolt.