So, you’re interested in finding out which eagle species is seen as the strongest eagle species. You won’t have to search any further if this is the case as I’ll be answering this question for you in this article.
Also, after you’ve read the answer, I’d advise you to keep on reading this article till the end as I’ll also cover a few more closely related questions that might be of interest to you.
What is the strongest eagle species?
The most powerful eagle species in the world is the harpy eagle. Female harpy eagles weigh around 9 kilograms and have a wingspan of about six and a half feet.
Male harpy eagles on the other hand weigh around 5 kilograms and therefore also have a smaller wingspan.
They survive in the lowland rain forest and mainly prey on monkeys, sloths, and tree-dwelling animals like squirrels, birds, and snakes.
An adult harpy eagle’s talons can be about 3 to 4 inches long and they can be about the same size as the size of a human wrist.
Examples of other strong eagle species that exist are the martial eagle which is the largest and most powerful eagle of Africa, the Philippine eagle which roams within the rainforests of the Philippines, the golden eagle which is a very popular eagle species that can be found in Germany, Mexico, Albania, and Australia, and the Australian wedge-tailed eagle which can be found in Australia and New Guinea.
Check out the video below if you want to find out what the 10 strongest eagle species are on earth.
How strong is an eagle?
Scientists consider an eagle’s grip to be about ten times stronger than the average grip strength of an adult human.
Unscientific research indicates that the pound per square inch (PSI) gripping strength varies among the various bird species.
According to the research that I’ve done, the harpy eagle’s PSI lies between 503 and 598, the bald eagle has a PSI of up to 823, and the golden eagle has a PSI of between 400 to 791.
Eagles also have powerful wings. Their flight muscles account for half of their total weight.
Muscles used to pull their wings down during flight are longer than those that pull the wings up because the downward stroke generates flying power.
In addition, they have powerful leg muscles and tendons that enable the talons to hold on to the prey during capture and flight tightly.
If you can’t get enough of learning about eagles then I encourage you to check out the “Eagles Category Page” which consists of various articles that give answers to eagle-related questions.
Is the golden eagle the strongest eagle species?
The golden eagle is not the strongest eagle species that are out there as the strongest eagle species is named the harpy eagle. The golden eagle, however, is also a very strong eagle species.
The golden eagle has a wingspan of 5.9 to 7.7 feet. Female golden eagles weigh between 3.8 to 6.7 kilograms and are known for their swiftness.
They mainly prey on jackrabbits and other small mammals. A full-grown golden eagle requires about 250 grams of food daily.
In case there is no prey, a golden eagle may go without feeding for up to a week.
Golden eagles are also very successful hunters as previous studies show that 20% of their hunts result in a successful catch which is quite a high percentage.

Is an eagle the strongest bird?
Eagles are the strongest species of birds that are out there. The harpy eagle is the strongest eagle species to be specific.
Eagles have incredible strength. The female harpy eagle is particularly powerful. Female harpy eagles weigh around 9 kilograms and can hunt animals that are a lot heavier than themselves.
Eagles can carry prey weighing up to 4 times their weight. Their wing muscles possess massive power, and they have strong gripping capabilities. For example, the martial eagle is a heavily built bird that is large enough to kill jackals and small antelopes.
Eagles resemble vultures but are equipped with stronger talons. They mainly subsist on live prey, and because of their strength, eagles have been used as a symbol of war or imperial power since Babylonian times.
Can an eagle carry a human?
Eagles can carry things with a maximum weight of up to 20 pounds. A full-grown human is therefore too heavy for an eagle to carry away.
However, eagles can potentially carry a baby. It’s a rare occurrence, but it’s always a best practice to keep your baby safe to avoid such an incident.
In Australia, at Alice Springs Desert Park, a wedge-tailed eagle once tried to fly away with a young boy.
It’s also been said that an eagle once carried off a two-month-old child to its nest in Milwaukee.
What bird can lift the most?
Eagles are the bird species that can carry the heaviest loads. They can snatch anything weighing around 3 to 20 pounds from the ground depending on the eagle species.
Eagles with the greatest carrying capacities include the harpy eagle, the bald eagle, the Philippine eagle, and the crowned eagle.
The harpy eagle has the thickest and largest legs and talons, making it possible to carry prey as heavy as its weight.
They don’t settle for small animals as they are adapted to hunt bigger prey.
An adult female harpy eagle, for example, can snatch mammals weighing 16 to 20 pounds and then continue their flight. Which makes harpy eagles the eagle species that can lift the most.

What is the strongest bird in America?
The harpy eagle is the strongest bird of prey in America. This enormous eagle lives in the rainforest of Central and South America where it primarily hunts monkeys, possums, snakes, and sloths.
They are silent hunters and can sit on a peach tree for hours whilst they’re waiting for prey.
They don’t soar very high to conserve energy, but they can fly at a speed of 50 miles per hour, generating enough power to swoop down and snatch an enormous prey.
They then use their powerfully built talons to crush the prey. In cases where the prey is too heavy, the harpy eagle will dismember the prey into small chunks which they then carry to their nests.
What is the strongest bird in the world?
Although the harpy eagle only weighs around 9 kilograms, the harpy eagle is the undisputed champion when it comes to the title “the strongest bird in the world”.
This powerful eagle, whose scientific name is Harpia Harpyja, is primarily found in the southern parts of Brazil and Mexico.
This bird is named after the Greek mythical creatures that were a part woman and part bird.
The great harpy eagle builds nests on top of the tallest trees and enjoys hunting sloths, monkeys, and macaws.
Experts say that it is becoming rare to spot a Harpia Harpyja and that it is likely that the harpy eagle will soon join the list of endangered species.
In this article, you’ve learned that the strongest eagle species that live on this earth is named the harpy eagle.
You’ve also learned that besides the harpy eagle, there are a lot of other eagle species that are very strong as well. Examples of these other strong eagle species are the Philippine eagle, the golden eagle, and the Australian wedge-tailed eagle.