If you are wondering what the strongest monkey species is that exists on this earth then you’ve come to the right article.
As, in this article, I’ll be covering the answer to this question for you, and also after you’ve read the answer to the main question then I’ll also cover a few more answers to closely related questions to extend your knowledge even more.
I hope you learn a lot from this article!
What is the strongest monkey species?
The term “monkey” can be used in either a narrow or broad sense.
In the narrow sense, it refers only to simians that are not apes, whereas in the broader sense it refers to all simians, including apes.
Apes, such as gorillas and chimpanzees, could outmatch any other monkey since they are much larger.
However, when apes are excluded from consideration, mandrills are the strongest of the monkeys.
In other words, they are the strongest non-ape monkeys.
Mandrills have relatively very large bodies by comparison to other species of non-ape monkeys, and they are quite strong.
Although they typically weigh about 50 to 60 pounds, mandrills are strong enough to kill and rip the limbs from antelope.
Check out the video below if you want to find out what the 10 most powerful monkey species are that exist on earth.
What is the second strongest monkey?
If we ignore the great apes, mandrills are the strongest of the species commonly known as monkeys.
The second strongest species is arguably the baboon, which is native to Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
A very large baboon can weigh around the same as a typical mandrill which can weigh around 60 pounds and upon reaching sexual maturity, baboons can be quite strong relative to their body weight.
Like mandrills, they are omnivores and have been known to attack and eat antelopes.

What monkey is stronger than a gorilla?
There aren’t any monkey species that are stronger than a gorilla.
Gorillas are a species of great apes, and they are the largest and strongest of the living primates.
In the broadest sense of the term “monkey”, which includes apes, gorillas are, by far, the strongest monkeys.
They can grow to over five feet in height and a very large gorilla can weigh almost 600 pounds.
There aren’t any monkeys that can win a fight with a gorilla.
When the term “monkey” is used to refer only to simians that are not apes then mandrills are the strongest.
An adult male mandrill typically weighs only about 50 pounds, yet it can tear the limbs off of an antelope.
An extraordinarily large mandrill could weigh around 100 pounds.
Nevertheless, even the largest mandrill is much smaller and weaker than an ordinary gorilla.
Check out the video below if you want to see how strong gorillas can be.
Are baboons stronger than gorillas?
Baboons are not stronger than gorillas.
Baboons, which are native to Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, weigh between 30 and 80 pounds.
Mature baboons are quite strong relative to their weight, and they are capable of hunting and killing large-body prey, such as antelope.
Nevertheless, they are not stronger than gorillas.
While a large baboon weighs about 80 pounds, a mature gorilla typically weighs over 200 pounds.
And a very large gorilla can even weigh well over 500 pounds.
Also, it is estimated that gorillas are between five and nine times stronger than an average human, and baboons are much weaker than the average human.
Would a mandrill or a gorilla win in a fight?
Mandrills are large monkeys, and they are certainly the strongest monkey species (when excluding apes).
Male mandrills are particularly strong and can be very aggressive.
Nevertheless, if a mandrill were to attempt to fight a gorilla then the gorilla would certainly win.
Gorillas are massive in comparison to mandrills.
An adult male mandrill typically weighs only about 50 pounds whereas an ordinary gorilla will easily weigh over 200 pounds.
Also, a very large gorilla can come in at more than ten times the weight of an adult male mandrill.

What is the weakest primate?
The smallest known primate species is Madame Berthe’s mouse lemur, which is principally found in Madagascar.
They typically weigh about an ounce, so in terms of brute strength, they are the weakest of the primates.
However, mouse lemurs have extraordinarily strong arms, which allows even an average-sized mouse lemur to pull ten times its weight.
By comparison, the average human can only safely pull a fraction of their body weight.
There are eight living species of apes: three species of orangutan, two species of gorilla, the chimpanzee, the bonobo, and human beings.
Human beings are the weakest of the great apes.
Our species evolved in such a way that cognitive capacity was prioritized over physical strength whilst the opposite can be said for the other great ape species.
Orangutans are three to five times stronger than ordinary humans, and chimpanzees are at least twice as powerful as us.
The largest of the great apes, the gorilla, is at least five times stronger than an average human, and some estimates suggest that they are nearly ten times more powerful than us.
How powerful is a monkey?
Monkeys vary greatly in terms of their size, and they display different types of power.
In the narrow sense, the term “monkey” refers only to simians that are not apes, whereas in the broader sense it refers to all simians, including apes.
Taken in the broadest sense, apes are the most powerful monkeys, and among the apes, gorillas are the largest and strongest.
They weigh well over 200 pounds, and it is estimated that they are anywhere from five to nine times stronger than an average human.
Mandrills, which are the largest of the non-ape monkeys, can weigh up to 80 pounds.
They are the strongest of the non-ape monkeys and they lift and pull greater weights than other non-ape monkeys.
So, it can be said that “powerful” is a loose term, and even small monkeys display some amazing powers.
For example, pygmy marmosets are the smallest species of monkey.
They typically only weigh a few ounces and they are about six inches tall.
Nevertheless, they can jump over fifteen feet in the air which is 30 times the length of their own body.
If a five-foot-tall person had a comparable jumping capacity, they would be able to jump over 30 feet.
How strong is a mandrill?
Mandrills are the largest and strongest of the monkey species.
They typically weigh about 50 to 60 pounds, and they can be very aggressive.
While they typically feed on plants, insects, and rodents, mandrills sometimes attack and kill antelope.
After a lethal bite to the neck of the antelope with their long, sharp canines, a mandrill will then be able to rip the legs off of the antelope with their immense strength.