So, you are wondering what dragon meat would taste like if it had existed. Answering this question correctly is very hard because dragons are fictional animals that most likely haven’t existed and do not exist now. But even though we know that they probably haven’t existed, I can still give you an answer to this question that would make sense with the knowledge we have about dragons. And that’s also what you’ll find in this article, as I’ll give a direct answer to the question “What would dragon meat taste like if it had existed?”, and I’ll also answer a few more closely related questions.
What would dragon meat taste like if it had existed? As dragons are fictional animals that are characterized as reptiles, it would make the most sense for dragon meat to taste like chicken meat as the meat of the reptiles that live on this earth most of the time taste like chicken too. But this is a guess, and we’ll probably never know.
Various reptiles live on this earth that tastes like chicken meat. Examples of these reptiles are iguanas, alligators, or komodo dragons. Besides dragons most likely tasting like chicken meat can it also be that dragon meat would taste gamey, and stringy because komodo dragon meat, for example, also tastes gamey and stringy. We can also expect the dragon meat to be tougher, and drier than the taste of chicken meat. This is the case because the meat of common reptiles is also tougher and drier than the taste of chicken meat.
There are also a bunch of other different opinions to find online about what dragon meat would taste like but I can assure you that most of them are also fictional opinions and therefore could be right but pretty much couldn’t be right if you’re looking at this question from a logical standpoint. The logical standpoint, in this case, means that I’m answering the main question based on the evidence we already know like, for example, the fact that a fictional dragon is a reptile and that reptile meat in our world generally tastes like chicken.
Check out the video below if you want to see people prepare and eat iguana meat.
If you can’t get enough of learning about dragons then I encourage you to check out the “Dragons Category Page” which consists of various articles that give answers to dragon-related questions.
Would dragon meat taste good?
When we base the taste of dragon meat on my given opinion which is that dragon meat tastes like chicken then it could very well be possible that dragon meat tastes pretty good. But after all, this will once again be a guessing game.
We, however, also have to keep in mind though that the meat of reptiles that are sometimes eaten by us is mostly a lot tougher to chew than regular chicken meat and together with that the meat is mostly a lot drier as well. Besides, we also already know that meat from carnivores generally doesn’t taste good on this earth, and considering that dragons are carnivores, we can also assume that their meat might also taste bad. All in all, though, I like to stick to my first answer which is the dragon meat tasting like decently tasting chicken meat as we could assume forever without ever finding out what dragon meat tastes like.
What should dragon meat taste like?
So, by now we know that dragons are fictional animals that would’ve been carnivores and reptiles if they would’ve lived on this earth. The meat of reptiles that live on this earth tastes mostly like chicken and that’s also why it would make the most sense for dragon meat to taste like this too.
I’m very sure though that readers are going to have different opinions on this answer which is as expected as nobody can know what dragon meat should taste like. It’s an awesome question to let your imagination go though.

Related questions
What does a bearded dragon taste like?
Some people that have tried bearded dragon meat before claim that the meat tastes like chicken. Also, some people have claimed the meat to taste a bit fishy as well although that might also depend on what the bearded dragon has been eating himself/herself.
Is Komodo dragon meat edible?
A lot of people think that the meat of a Komodo dragon is poisonous but I can assure you that this is not the case. So, the meat of Komodo dragons is edible, however, it is also true that the meat can hold a lot of nasty bacteria or parasites, so correctly preparing Komodo dragon meat is essential.
What does Komodo dragon meat taste like?
There aren’t that many people on this earth that have tried komodo dragon meat before but the people that have eaten the meat before claim that Komodo dragon meat tastes like chicken. Also, you can expect komodo dragon meat to be quite stringy, and gamey.
Now you know that if dragons would have existed on earth that the taste of their meat would probably come close to the meat of reptiles that live on this earth today like, for example, the komodo dragon. This answer is, however, not based on facts because nobody can know what dragon meat tastes like because they probably haven’t existed. If you, however, would agree with my opinion about the taste of dragon meat then you can, for now, assume that the meat would taste like chicken.